I Can't Afford a Homebirth and Other Money Issues


First Babies Can Fall Out But Often They Don't

Taking Back Birth

Are You a Birth Witch?


How We Named 
Our Babies



This sounds really boring, but I promise you that it is quick, and fun! I wanted to record this for all the mamas and students that are constantly wondering about fundal height; and maybe stressing about the measurement or just wanting more information about this in general. Let us know what questions you have, and […]

The Birth Nerd Series: The Basics of Fundal Measurement


I’m not sure if this is going to be interesting to people or not, but it is something I created while watching the videos I have of my second labor and birth while trying to figure out how to perhaps edit them together into a longer video for folks. It is a mix of quotes […]

Aero’s Birth Notes and Transcript


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A few words about this new, amazing new design by our good and very talented friend, Nori! We are offering this design on a shirt just in time for summer. What is a birth witch? We’re constantly encouraging people to discover what terms like “doula” mean to them. Yes, we can acknowledge the definitions and […]

Are You a Birth Witch?


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Who doesn’t love talking about names? Join me in this podcast about baby names! First, a short update from my perspective on some world events…and then time spent on why, how and when people name their babies, as well as how I came to the names of our children. I hope you enjoy this and […]

How We Named Our Babies


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So much has unfolded and changed in the last few weeks, and while MY life feels mostly the same (albeit busier) I wanted to share some of the reflections and perspectives that I have had stewing, just waiting for the right time to share. The are strange and wonderful things happening in the world right […]

No More Business as Usual


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Join me in this meditation for raising your vibration in this time of virus pandemic and severe psychological challenge! We don’t have control over the world, or each other, but we can be responsible for our inner state of consciousness. I hope you enjoy this simple guided body scan that may help you replace negative […]

Body Scan Guided Meditation to Raise Your Vibration


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In this Mothering podcast, I talk about my own experiences and thoughts around all the various transitions or “rites of passage” that babies and young kids might experience. When they experience these things, so do we! I cover some examples from night weaning to losing teeth, and explore why these transitions are such big deals […]

Mothering #3: Rites of Passage


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Guest post by Alethea Boulet The Indie Birth Podcast between Maryn’s husband, Jason, and OBGYN,and expectant father, Nathan, is a must listen and a refreshing male conversation about the journey and roles of fathers and the masculine energy at birth.     So often we hear about women making decisions about their births based on […]

Birth: The Greatest Opportunity for a Guy to Be a Man


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Guest Post by Alethea Boulet Indie Birth; A Story of Radical Birth Love by Maryn Green and Margo Blackstone is an eye-opening and heartfelt narrative that explores the true beauty, challenges, sorrows, intuition and desires of modern women in pregnancy, labor, birth and midwifery and how it is necessary to reshape culture to better serve […]

Indie Birth: A Story of Radical Birth Book Review


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