I Can't Afford a Homebirth and Other Money Issues


First Babies Can Fall Out But Often They Don't

Taking Back Birth

Are You a Birth Witch?


How We Named 
Our Babies



On this week’s episode of “Birth Warrior Podcast,” our host, Jaden Graham, shares her original poem, “Liminality” – a piece written for the creative portion of Indie Birth Midwifery School’s final project. Completing the program this past March, this prose serves as Jaden’s deeply vulnerable and honest reflection of where she is on her path […]

Liminality – A poem by host, Jaden Graham


One of my besties and former client Christina is back! She’s chatted with me twice on other podcasts (2 of her birth stories) but this time we talk about the ritual of placenta burial. We had the gift of doing this together recently, and like many things, it felt way deeper than we imagined it […]

Burying My Placenta with My Soul Sister


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I’ve asked myself the community midwife question before but as I ponder what community actually is to me, or what I would want it to be, I feel like maybe the issue lies in the community. Midwifery is mostly fine! Women know how to take care of women, but it feels like we don’t generally […]

Is the Community Midwife Dead or is the Community Dead?

Taking Back Birth

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I talk with my amazing kindred sister friend Devon Battaglia on this episode! You’ll hear how we met and connected, but one of the topics that she’s written about captured my attention. Whether it’s birth or mothering or just being a woman, most of us can identify with “not being enough”. Listen to this juicy […]

The Mother Wound


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Crystal is a first time mom who’s conscious journey through pre conception, conception, pregnancy and birth process mirrored that of her deepest held beliefs about life and the sovereign nature of our being. Through the process of welcoming her son into this life, Crystal gained an even deeper trust of her intuition and in her […]

An Embodiment of Radical Self Trust: Crystal’s Birth Story

Birth Warrior Podcast

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Get ready to unleash your inner entrepreneur as we delve into the journey of Dez, a powerhouse life coach and women’s empowerment advocate. But hold onto your seats because Dez is taking her game to the next level by adding doula offerings to her already impressive repertoire! In this episode, Dez spills the beans with […]

Badass Business Coaching for Birth Workers #5: Dez the Doula is Launching Her Doula Business!


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Ah, packing up a house! I stumbled upon notebooks and journals, all from past (in person) midwifery events of the last 15 years. It was so fun reading through conference sessions I had attended, and I wanted to share some of the brilliant teaching highlights with you from masters like Michel Odent, Marsden Wagner, Gail […]

A Trip Down (Birthy) Memory Lane – and Our Location Revealed!

Taking Back Birth

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Heidi is a homeschool mama to 5 little ones. After the birth of her fifth child, she moved out of the city with her family to raise her babies on a mini farm. Heidi has been on a journey of breaking away from the deceptions surrounding birth and modern medicine to discover the sacredness and […]

Taking the Step and Lifting the Veil: Heidi’s Transformational Journey Through Birth

Birth Warrior Podcast

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Join Margo and this sweet mama as they process her first birth, an induction in the hospital where she felt like she was disrespected and not given space to tune into her intuition. Gestational diabetes and hypertension (sort of) also played into her first story. She is preparing for a home birth this time, and […]

In the Midwife’s Office #5 – Processing Birth Provider Trauma and Preparing for a Homebirth


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