I Can't Afford a Homebirth and Other Money Issues


First Babies Can Fall Out But Often They Don't

Taking Back Birth

Are You a Birth Witch?


How We Named 
Our Babies



It’s been said that women get into birth work because they care about women, babies or birth; one usually more than the other! I reflect back on my path so far and how I got called to midwifery, and also how my “why” has changed and shifted over the years doing this work. What is […]

My Call Into Midwifery

Taking Back Birth

Natalia is a Puerto Rican, Jewish mother of 3 little girls and wife to an outspoken truth seeker, who lives in suburban home that she lovingly considers her little farm where she works and homeschools her children. After birthing her second child and tandem nursing, Natalia lost two pregnancies in a state of total depletion, […]

The Fruitful Vine Embodied: Natalia’s Birth Stories, The Partner’s Role in Helping Nurture a Thriving Mother, and How Self Care Starts at Your Plate

Birth Warrior Podcast

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Hey Birth Revolutionaries, it’s Margo here, in my new (to me) 2017 Sienna mini-van I just bought yesterday like a grown ass woman. I’m posting here to start a conversation that I would like to continue around birth doula’s and the M word – MONEY. I am a birth worker (I happen to be a […]

Aspiring Doulas Need to Get Right With Money


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What makes Indie Birth unique and special in the birth world? I want to tell you, since the energy behind our work, classes, school and more is the guiding force in our success and what we put out in the world. May you be inspired to follow your own path, access your freedom and share […]

Sharing Our Brilliance at Indie Birth


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Hannah is a wife, mom to two littles and two angel babies, and a country girl at heart. A lover of birth and science, who is particularly fascinated by the topic and study of pregnancy nutrition, Hannah’s goal is to live a life in harmony with her beliefs, to live by faith, and to trust […]

“Live Your Truth, Live Your Belief System”: Hannah’s Birth Stories

Birth Warrior Podcast

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Part of the love/hate relationship with social media is the rise of this new generation of birth-lebrities who actually haven’t attended very many births at all and yet are crafting and sharing a largely fictitious narrative of birth with a sense of expertise. The formula is that they have pretty memes and grids, share the […]

Beware the birth-lebrities!

Trending (Blog)

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Elise Planty is a mama of three, step mom of two, and a student midwife close to graduating. Through the experience of birthing her “big at birth” babies, Elise learned the profound and invaluable lesson of honoring the magic and mystery of childbirth. LINKS & SHOW NOTES Birth Warrior Podcast submissions link “Go Risk Yourself” […]

Pain Into Pleasure: Elise’s Stories, Big Babies and Honoring the Magic and Mystery of Childbirth

Birth Warrior Podcast

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After a brief update, I rant for a bit about the low standard that our world, and most women, seem to have for their pregnancy and birth experience. Whether it’s hospital based, home based or a dogmatic freebirth, it seems to me that women need to want more for themselves first. Otherwise, we just take […]

The Bar is So Low for Pregnant Women

Taking Back Birth

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Cathryn is a wife, mother, homemaker, and passionate birth enthusiast, whose pregnancies and births have shaped who she is and the goals she is working towards. Cathryn shares that her deepest belief, surrounding pregnancy and birth, is that peaceful birth can truly change the world. LINKS & SHOW NOTES Birth Warrior Podcast submissions link 13 […]

“You Can’t Control The Process”: Cathryn’s Birth Stories

Birth Warrior Podcast

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