I Can't Afford a Homebirth and Other Money Issues


First Babies Can Fall Out But Often They Don't

Taking Back Birth

Are You a Birth Witch?


How We Named 
Our Babies



Margo talks with author Allan Stevo all about how setting boundaries and standing up for you health autonomy is crucial in today’s world. We need more lions awake in the world, and Allan is in the business of helping wake the lions up. If you feel alone and crazy, like you’re the only one who […]

Exercising Your Freedom Muscles – All About Face Masks with Allan Stevo


Allan Stevo is back for a whole episode dedicated to talking about the intersection of face masks, bodily autonomy and kids education. Allan shares insight, tips, and stories about standing up to mandates, and why this really isn’t “over” even here in June 2022. I was inspired to think more about how I will approach […]

Face Masks, Education and Standing Up for Our Kids with Allan Stevo


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Yes, our massive, beautiful vision is re-named, with a more solid Vision and mission! I am so excited to share with you why we made these changes, as well as the words themselves which are very powerful. Visit the Indie Birth Sanctuary here.

The Indie Birth SANCTUARY

Taking Back Birth

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Margo joins me for this talk about our co-creation, the Indie Birth Midwifery School and what makes her different and unique. There is no midwifery school out there like this, and we wanted to share some of our stories of how we created her and how she’s changed over the 6 years of beginning.

Behind the Scenes Chat about Creating Our Kick Ass Midwifery School

Taking Back Birth

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I get this question all of the time! Every woman seems to want to know how to prepare her husband and/or have him feel useful or involved during the birth experience. There are so many factors to consider and possible answers and suggestions here. Take a listen and see what resonates with you.

How Your Husband Can Help At Your Birth

Taking Back Birth

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Skye is a somewhat transient hippie but mostly just, in her own words, an “ordinary woman,” who hopes her birth story will inspire others to trust their intuition surrounding their births, even (or perhaps, especially) when it may not be what they had originally planned for. She shares the message that unassisted birth is possible, […]

“Do I Have To Do It This Way?”: Skye’s Freebirth to River Kawai, Making Yourself Unavailable For Unsolicited Advice While Pregnant, and The Importance of Sister Support During The Maiden To Mother Rite of Passage


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I changed the name of my podcast! Now it is called Midwifery for the People and in this episode I will tell you all about why that is, and some of the history of this podcast and how it reflects my evolution as a midwife. I hope to provide even more aligned content that feels […]

Why I Changed the Name of This Podcast


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After a lengthy update on our Indie Birth Institute, I get to have a fun chat with myself about twins! I am fascinated by 2 babies growing in one human at once; and I share my own experiences, stories and even some myths around why I think twin mamas are treated so differently. Is there […]

A Chat About Twins

Taking Back Birth

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I’m all about women birthing in their power, so who’s telling who what they need or don’t need? In this podcast, I give a brief update on the ever-manifesting birth place/center that we’re working on (we’re calling it the Indie Birth Midwifery Institute) and then I launch into embellishing a recent Instagram post I did […]

The “You Don’t Need Anything to Birth” Line

Taking Back Birth

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