I Can't Afford a Homebirth and Other Money Issues


First Babies Can Fall Out But Often They Don't

Taking Back Birth

Are You a Birth Witch?


How We Named 
Our Babies



This podcast is a riff (once again) on a social media post I wrote in response to the rhetoric I often see online about freebirth and how trauma can’t happen when people chose that. I obviously disagree, and explain why I think this. I talk about how we can best support women to feel whatever […]

Birth Trauma Can Happen In Anyone

Taking Back Birth

I was pondering just a few ways that many midwives overuse technology. It’s not all or nothing, but there is a way to use our intelligence, our intuition and our intention when deciding what if any technology to offer to a client. I think it comes back to how you want to feel and how […]

Ways Midwives Overuse Technology

Taking Back Birth

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I’m sharing a lesson from my new project Mindful Money Magic because we are also offering a new program called Midwifery Magic, a comprehensive mentorship, up-leveling, magic infusing experience for midwives (or advanced midwifery students). A lot of what I offer in Midwifery Magic crosses over with my work as a financial wellness coach, and […]

Healing Your Relationship With Money Even If You Think It Is Evil

Midwifery for the People

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This is kinda a riff on a post I wrote last month about birth being something we are called to by our Souls. I share some more thoughts, and some email responses and I hope this can remind you of why you are really here!

Birth is a Calling of the Divine

Taking Back Birth

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On this live podcast, I addressed some rumors being sent my way by instead speaking about the sister wound in birth and midwifery. What is it? Why does this deep wound mean that we can’t be secure in ourselves? How does gossip and such happen among women that are supposed to be supporting women? Take […]

Midwifery and Gossip: the “Sister Wound”

Taking Back Birth

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Every midwife I know has a similar story but yet there is shame in admitting them. Here’s some raw truths and my own vulnerable stories woven together around the times I was “blamed” as a midwife for a less-than-ideal outcome. I share my truth with the Universe and you all as a way to mend […]

When the Midwife is Blamed

Taking Back Birth

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I made this new meditation for postpartum mamas for our new course called Mothering the Mother. If you’ve had a baby recently, or know someone that has, I wish you peace and relaxation with this visualization.

Meditation for Mamas Who Have Birthed Recently


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Here’s another podcast recorded live on Youtube; this one focuses on the complication we call “shoulder dystocia”; but my focus (as usual) is on the metaphysical meaning and some other out of the box things to consider. Join me for this one, which includes some live Q and A and let me know what thoughts […]

Shoulder Dystocia and “Stuck” Babies!

Taking Back Birth

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I did a new thing this past week, which is I recorded this podcast live on Youtube. You’ll hear other people’s questions, and some more thoughts and pondering on how to label postpartum hemorrhage, the rates of hemorrhage in my own practice (hint; it’s super duper low) and other ideas to consider when excess bleeding […]

A Smorgasbord Blab about Postpartum Hemorrhage

Taking Back Birth

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