I Can't Afford a Homebirth and Other Money Issues


First Babies Can Fall Out But Often They Don't

Taking Back Birth

Are You a Birth Witch?


How We Named 
Our Babies



Ashley is a doula, wife, and mother to three mini goddesses. Her message to women is simple but powerful, she shares: “If every woman could attain the birth knowledge I did in a few years and feel confident in their bodies, everyone would be brought into the world through freebirth.” Ashley is a birth/postpartum doula […]

Drumming Her Daughter To the Earth (and In Ecstasy): Ashley’s Freebirth Story of Koa Moon

Birth Warrior Podcast

I loved having this chat and story time with Qiddist, who is a beautiful and radical woman doing amazing work in the world. “Womb stories”, to us, are really ALL women’s stories, and I appreciate the myriad of topics we touched on together in this time and space. You can find Qiddist at: https://thewombroom.co

Womb Medicine Stories with Qiddist Ashe

Taking Back Birth

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Tiffany is an aspiring doula, mother to five children and married to her high school sweetheart of 15 years. Tiffany’s birth unraveled beautifully and showed her, yet again, that women hold so much power within them. She encourages women to let go of fear and listen to their own intuition, and to let birth guide […]

“You are Powerful, Let Fear Go! And Let Birth Guide You For It Cannot Be Planned”: Tiffany’s Birth Story

Birth Warrior Podcast

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Having a didelphys uterus and a pattern on breech babies, Julia just wanted a straightforward home birth, but this was not in the cards as her 3rd baby presented every complication possible. Ironically, it turned out to be her easiest birth. In Julia’s own words “Humans plan and God laughs. Trust him and everything will […]

Balancing Calm, Confidence, Flexibility and Trust in a Risky Situation: Julia’s Pain-Free Birth Amidst Cord Prolapse and De-Stigmatizing Breech 

Birth Warrior Podcast

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What a beautiful woman Denell is! After a cervical diagnosis, she found her way to wellness and true inner health by following the lead of her cervix. Denell is a wealth of information and inspiration and I know you will leave this chat feeling powerful and with lots of lightbulbs going off. Find Denell at: […]

Saying YES to Cervix with Denell Barbara Randall

Taking Back Birth

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This is a guest post from Marian Mellen over at www.marian-mellen.com She is a lovely family member of mine, and graciously agreed to share her story here as well as on her own blog since she saw firsthand how helpful others’ stories and photos are when experiencing loss, which is so often shrouded in secrecy. […]

Angel Baby ~ Our Journey Through Miscarriage (All Photos Included)

Miscarriage and Loss

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I LOVED having this chat with Lindsey, a revolutionary, kick-ass woman who found her truth and life mission through learning and teaching about the nervous system. I had so many questions I wanted to ask, but we talked about the role of the nervous system in hormone production, birth and in common “issues” like anxiety. […]

Why You’ve Gotta Regulate Your Nervous System For Birth (and Life) with Lindsey Lockett

Taking Back Birth

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I am so honored to talk with Sacha; a magical woman and the very first family I served as a midwife here in Kentucky. I love how “difficult” birth stories can be transformed into wisdom for everyone, and Aurora’s earthside entrance is no exception! Listen to this story of connection, separation and healing and let […]

Connection with the Sacred Land and the Ceremony of Aurora’s Birth with Sacha Louise

Taking Back Birth

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With her history as a gymnast, dancer/mover, and body worker, Heather assumed she had the tools for trusting/following her body’s lead during birth…that was until she hit deeply embedded triggers from her history of child abuse that illuminated a messy entanglement of wounds and conditioning left by patriarchal and paternalistic systems. With a nearly 70 […]

The Language of Womb Intelligence – A Language of Her Own: Heather’s Birth Stories and VBAC as Her Personal Genesis


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