I Can't Afford a Homebirth and Other Money Issues


First Babies Can Fall Out But Often They Don't

Taking Back Birth

Are You a Birth Witch?


How We Named 
Our Babies



Wowee wow wow I have gotten to talk so some cool people lately on the podcast. This week I have Mel from the Great Birth Rebellion Podcast on and we really get into some good stuff. I invited her on after I saw the clip that the birth world was resharing like crazy, where some […]

Inside the Great Birth Rebellion with Dr. Melanie Jackson


Today I have spent a lot of time in personal reflection about what the midwifery path BEHIND me has looked like and what the path ahead might have in store for me. This is partly because we are smack in the final days before a new cohort of midwifery school students begins, and with that, […]

What Might Happen If You Choose the Midwifery Path


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I was so blessed to record this conversation with Hannah Penaluna that was a long time coming! She is an experienced midwife who moved from state controlled midwifery landscape of Australia to the wild west (ok she is in the south but still) of Georgia, an unregulated state in the U.S. The episode delves into […]

From Australia to the US: Hannah Penaluna on Navigating Midwifery Autonomy and Regulation


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This episode is SO MUCH FUN. I have really enjoyed stepping out of the normal birth circles and talking about birth with “non-birthy” people lately. The same old conversations are tiring and frankly boring. So this episode is an interview Jake and I did on Mother’s Day for the spiritual community called Aldea that I […]

The Mystery of Birth: An interview with Margo & Jake Haber


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Some updates here first and then a ramble about considering what your soul desires for birth rather than your ego or mind. Take a listen and see if you can feel for yourself what I am talking about.

Your Birth Desire

Taking Back Birth

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In this episode of Midwifery for the People, I’m sharing a recording of an interview where Kristen Nagle of the Reclaiming Birth Conference asked me about my journey into radical midwifery! Different things come out when different people ask me questions, so this was a lot of fun 🙂 I chat about my background in […]

Reclaiming Birth: An Interview with Kristen Nagle of the Reclaiming Birth Conference


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In this episode of Midwifery for the People I have a quick chat with doula Elisha Anderson about her experience trying to accept state medical care funds for her doula services in Oregon. She had reached out to me about midwifery school and shared a little about her experience, and I invited to come on […]

Mixing Doulas and Insurance: One Woman’s Take


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This podcast was inspired by a student considering working with a mama who’s had a prior cesarean and wanting to birth at home. I realized how much goes into this for me as a midwife, and what helps me understand and fully believe in a mama who I’m supporting after cesarean. I told her that […]

Working With HBAC Mamas

Taking Back Birth

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In this podcast, Margo and I dream about the new version of “midwife” that we are helping to create in this world and through our Indie Birth Midwifery School. It is truly time for a change; away from the drastic, static versions of what exists and has come before. We are imagining a world where […]

Embodying the Midwife Archetype

Taking Back Birth

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