I Can't Afford a Homebirth and Other Money Issues


First Babies Can Fall Out But Often They Don't

Taking Back Birth

Are You a Birth Witch?


How We Named 
Our Babies



In this podcast, Margo and I dream about the new version of “midwife” that we are helping to create in this world and through our Indie Birth Midwifery School. It is truly time for a change; away from the drastic, static versions of what exists and has come before. We are imagining a world where […]

Embodying the Midwife Archetype

Taking Back Birth

In this podcast, I talk about some of the ways that our school is unique and special…plus, she (Indie Birth Midwifery School) is almost 8 years old!!! I share my take on this question of knowing, between stories from my own life and further thoughts for your own inquiry. We are accepting applications and enrolling […]

How Do I Know I Want to Become a Midwife?

Taking Back Birth

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On this podcast, I wrap up the transgender madness from the week and then move on to the REAL discussion! I chat with my mama friend and former client Kaleigh about the birth of her two babies last year. Kaleigh has so many insights to share and such a fabulous story. It was so fun […]

A Twin Story With a Twist

Taking Back Birth

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We are “transphobic”. I don’t even know what that means, since I am not afraid of any group of people, but we have been accused over the years. I love that, actually, as it gives me the opportunity to really be clear about what I believe, and who our Indie Birth Midwifery School is actually […]

We Are Transphobic

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On this episode I wanted to share a reading from our book Indie Birth: A Story of Radical Birth Love, and in keeping with the recent theme, I’m sharing the complete story of my first miscarriage. This is one of the most “popular” pieces of content I’ve ever created. I wrote it in 2013 when […]

Sacred Loss: The Story of My First Miscarriage

Midwifery for the People

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What if students could learn and practice and be in an “apprenticeship” that isn’t in the physical? We may try it out with a few of my former students who live in Kentucky as I stay living in Hawai’i. I love the idea of creating this model and making it sustainable and a win for […]

Imagining the Virtual Apprenticeship as a Real Option

Taking Back Birth

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A New Language for Life and Birth Work. My “Beyond the Mind” somatic journey for birth workers is *not* currently open for registration, but in leading this course right now I have had so many insights. First, this will become a required and free-to-new-students first “course” for any future Indie Birth Midwifery School students. So, […]

Here’s To Feeling

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Birth is in our bones. It is in the minerals, the marrow. It is in our skin and our organs. It is in our brains and our blood. Birth is something every cell of our body remembers. We remember being born, and we can recall the births of our grandmothers in felt sensation (and their […]

Birth Is In Our Bones

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I have been interested in learning about bees; entry level information is where I am at but yet so much of it is actually really “radical”. I have no idea how to actually keep bees, or any of that, at this moment. But I have been learning that there is a way of bee-keeping where […]

Birth and Bees


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