Miscarriage and Loss

Writing My Miscarriage Story

August 26, 2024

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A Miscarriage Story
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We're Maryn + Margo

We are mamas and birth workers who decided to do birth differently– and bring others along with us. We are kind, fun to work with, and great at (lovingly) calling people on their bullshit. With 12 children and 20 years of midwifery between us, we’ve learned a thing or two along the way, and Indie Birth is our space to share it all with you.


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I really wanted to WRITE my miscarriage story.

As in, full on describe it, feel it, and see my lessons on paper. And also to feel as if I have paid my honor to this Soul that came and left.

But nothing is coming lately when I sit down with this intention. It’s as if the right-now message is to let it live where it lives.

In the past, or maybe on that different timeline. Maybe it doesn’t need to live here, and maybe I don’t need to re-live it in order to write it.

I’ve not really had a “birth story” that I didn’t document in this way, even just for myself. So, this feels new and I wonder if I’m lazy or why it feels so huge to get it out. There were SO MANY cool synchronicities and wisdom that came through for me, and so many valuable “this could not have happened more perfectly even though it was sad” moments.

But it feels, for now, like those lessons are to be actually lived out, not recalled. It feels like there truly was this download into my body from some other consciousness, and as if words on paper is not the medium.

It feels like the medium in this case is LIFE. Every day, every choice, every thought, really is a new creation in my body after this loss experience.

As in, I could not help but live differently and BE DIFFERENT after that. Writing it down doesn’t change that, and maybe it even takes me back to those old ways, that old self. I don’t know, but that is what I feel.

I have wanted to share one lesson, even if this is a stand alone one that doesn’t make sense to anyone but me.

In the moments of birthing this baby’s placenta (many days after the baby came out), I was shown an intensity and rawness to my power that I did not know was there. In the moments of this birth, alone in my bedroom, I felt the massiveness of this initiation in my cells. It’s as if I was channeling the entire Universe, the destruction and the creation. The power of Nature. The resilience of being Human.

This miscarriage birth taught me just as much, if not more, than some of my awesome, live, beautiful births.
It taught me my true sovereign nature and it wasn’t just a concept, it was felt fully in my cells.

Perhaps that is why the story won’t come to paper more than this right now. I get the privilege of living in this body that has felt these things, and I do not need to prove it to myself (or anyone) with more words.

To realizing the innate power within all of us,


PS I’d always love to know if what I’m writing is relatable. I’ve also wondered if wanting to hear more from you all is a result of leaving the socials…..(and have doubly wondered if my not feeling like writing this birth story is a result of that shunning…the more I’m NOT on a social platform, the more I feel deeply that my life is here to be lived RIGHT NOW, not posted for others to consume).

PPS That was a long PS ramble. Thanks for reading:)

Join our LIVE masterclass on September 21, “Lifting the Veil; The Practicality and Mystery of Miscarriage” with me, and Margo.

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We are mamas and midwives who decided to do birth differently– and bring others along with us. We are radical, fun to work with, and great at (lovingly) calling people on their bullshit to help move us all towards a new more beautiful world. With 12 children and over two decades of midwifery between us, we’ve learned a thing or two along the way, and Indie Birth is our space to share it all with you.

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