Sept 21, 2024
12:00 pm - 4:00 pm Eastern
(This will be recorded.)

Miscarriage, whether we like it or not, will always be part of the story for women as a whole. There is not birth without death, even metaphorically, but most women will experience miscarriage firsthand in their own lives at some point. And even more women will experience walking along side or supporting a woman who does. 

Because the medical system has pathologized death and made miscarriage a medical and often surgical process, most women have little to no idea what “natural” miscarriage looks or feels like.  

Maryn and Margo have experienced many personal miscarriages between them; and supported many, many other women as midwives through this delicate physical, mental, emotional and spiritual processes.

Like live birth, no two miscarriages are exactly the same. The timeline, experience and postpartum time vary greatly depending on the woman and many other factors.  

This live masterclass will help you understand what miscarriage is, why it may happen, how it looks when it does happen, what to expect, what may require more support or medical help, how to support a woman physically, how to prepare her for the process, how to provide support for the partner, how long the process may take, what’s normal/what is not, and all the mystery of the process as well.

We'll also cover what we know and what we don’t, tools for “making it through” and healing, telling the miscarriage story, caring for oneself in the postpartum, getting pregnant again, tools and resources to use during the miscarriage itself, burial/honoring the Soul, spiritual processing and integration, suggestions, experience and wisdom and STORIES.

Birth workers, even midwives, are notoriously not trained or educated on this topic to this depth, even in school. Having this basic education and understanding will change your life, and help beyond measure the women that you come in contact with. 

A Masterclass With Maryn Green and Margo Blackstone

The Practicality and Mystery of
Pregnancy Loss