We talk a lot about Susun Weed’s “6 Steps of Healing” here at Indie Birth, and I thought it would be fun to talk through the steps from a birth perspective. This would be helpful for pregnant and birthing women who have issues or problems they think they need to solve; from something like heartburn, to a breech baby! What are our options and in what order can we approach them? I love this “system” because it’s not just based on what evidence you can find, or what supplements could support you. It’s really based on LISTENING to yourself and realizing in a BIG WAY that you there are so many choices available in ANY given situation, and that with full autonomy, the list is loooooonnnggg as to how you can support your own healing.
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Podcast (taking-back-birth): Download (Duration: 43:27 — 25.4MB)
Thank you again Maryn and I live that you chose the example you did, it is going to make a huge difference with my clients in the future
Hi Claire! So glad to hear this was helpful. Thank you! Love, Maryn
Dear Maryn, your broadcasts are my other TRUE university. Listening to them time to time, sharing with my women and blessing you for THE WAY you chose to be. IT’S ALIVE TO ME, cause am passing similar process inside of my choices (am midwife and doula, working as a doula or more exactly, birth keeper, because i see i gonna need to agree to abandon at least half of the gift as a woman if i go into a system). This broadcast, in particular, about the 6 healing steps, brought me into even deeper awariness of how it works, how to expalain it, because you know, usually we, women, we have that feeling or state of mind, whatever you call it, but we have a problem to apply and to express (at least i do :-). Maryn and Margo, You are preciuos to me.