
Christina’s HBAC Story

April 21, 2019

The Truth About Gestational Diabetes
A Miscarriage Story
That time I had a freebirth at the Hospital
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We are mamas and birth workers who decided to do birth differently– and bring others along with us. We are kind, fun to work with, and great at (lovingly) calling people on their bullshit. With 12 children and 20 years of midwifery between us, we’ve learned a thing or two along the way, and Indie Birth is our space to share it all with you.


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In this podcast, Christina shares her story of a stressful second pregnancy, an IUGR diagnosis and the desire to have a VBAC! Seriously, this is such an inspiring tale no matter what your own scenario is that will remind you of a woman’s strength, power and true ability to KNOW what is right for her.

I am so amazed by women that are literally soaking in fear during their entire pregnancies who turn out to work through their “stuff” and have THE MOST POWERFUL BIRTHS! If you are a VBAC mama or someone that has been victim to the system, you NEED to hear Christina’s birth story of her son Shasta.


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  1. Hajar says:

    Thank you for the podcast! It’s coming just on time for me. I’m planing HBA3C , and they are trying to scare me that my son is to big. The story is pretty much the same, no evidence what so ever in mu blood tests urine tests, blood presure… that I have gestational diabetes, but they are trying to convince me this! And this with my 3 previous big babyes. My first one was 4,250 kg. Soo this story is just on time for me I’m due in may. Thank you!

  2. Christina says:

    You can do this!! Make your own decisions and do not allow the medical establishment to push you around. Enjoy your pregnancy and find your support.

  3. Sara Morris says:

    This conversation is so profound for me too! I am also planning HBA3C in June. Your story Christina, is so encouraging, and I can relate so much. Thank you for pointing out/reminding us that we women must first fully believe in ourselves, this has been the theme of ny journey and I do tend to forget when fears come up. Often I feel so alone in this process where I have no community of support in person, but perhaps that is the empowering part, learning to trust myself, my intuition, unhindered. Your story, this discussion speaks volumes to me! I’m in so much appreciation!

  4. Sara says:

    This conversation is so profound for me as well! I am also planning HBA3C. Hearing the stories of women who have gone before me gives me so much courage to stay on my intuitive journey. At times I do feel so alone, with no personal support, but maybe that is the significance for me in this time, to find my deep woman empowerment, alone and for myself, unhindered. Your discussion of how a woman must first fully believe in herself and find clarity, then she’ll attract the right support was such a wonderful reminder for me. Thank you so much!

  5. Christina says:

    Yes! Own your decisions and support will come. You are not alone. On my journey, one Wise Woman pointed out that I was calling in my tribe.” There is NOTHING more contagious than woman supporting each other. Find your tribe. They are there already ready to be there for you. Many blessings with your transformational births.

  6. Jackie says:

    So I really want to do a home water birthday provided this baby makes it it is now may and in jan I had a miscarriage I am only 4 weeks and two days at this point. But if this one makes it I would love to do a home waterbirth with just my family but I had two csections first was an emergencie my doc induced me when I was only five days overdue I was 21 and she was my first things were fine then at seven centimeters I stopped dialating and my daughter’s heart rate was going up and down so they rushed me for an emergency csection. My second came seven years later this time new doctor and they let me wait 18days past my due date and then scheduled a c section I wanted so bad to have a vbac. Well this time doc said the scar from my first was paper thin and that if I had gone into labor that my uterus could have ruptured and killed us both……is there any hope for me in fufilling my dream of having my water birth at home?

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