I Can't Afford a Homebirth and Other Money Issues


First Babies Can Fall Out But Often They Don't

Taking Back Birth

Are You a Birth Witch?


How We Named 
Our Babies



This week, I share some more of my heart and soul with you as I re-tell the experience of a 5 week pregnancy that didn’t choose to stay in my body at this time. There is so much to explore, and I share this all vulnerably with you for our healing as powerful women with […]

The Deeper Experience of an Early Pregnancy Loss

Taking Back Birth

We will be re-naming our Indie Birth Midwifery School and in general expanding our vision, so I wanted to take even more time to share with you how this change is aligned with me and my Soul. I hope it inspires you to always think beyond and above and perhaps you will help us change […]

Moving Away from the Word “Midwife”

Taking Back Birth

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Kendra was one my favorite mamas to serve and you know her already from her viral birth video. We had such a nice chat about her last pregnancy, how she connected with her baby, how she dealt with fears around birth and what she loves most about now serving women in the role of doula. […]

When Your Birth (Video) Goes Viral and Also Throws You Into Birthwork – A Chat with Kendra Johnson

Taking Back Birth

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In this candid episode, Margo discusses her spiritual journey and how it intersects with her work at Indie Birth. She discusses her shift away from conventional religion towards a more earth-based spirituality that embraces elements from different practices such as earth prayers, shamanic journeying, and tarot. These approaches provide a crucial context for understanding the […]

Borderline Witchcraft: Exploring Spirituality, Birth, and Margo’s Personal Journey


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I thought I’d share more about how we celebrate and why and what my intentions are with my family. Our childhoods are such big influences on what we choose to continue with our kids, but I believe our intentions are just as meaningful. With creating ritual and traditions during holiday times, we create the future […]

Mothering #12: Our Winter Solstice Traditions


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There is so much wisdom in moving more slowly; apprenticeship and becoming a birth attendant is no exception. We live in a high octane world where even birth attendants are “made” in minutes or months. While that is an option, I really want us to consider the way it feels. Being in a hurry or […]

Taking the Slow Route to Birth Attending

Taking Back Birth

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Sam and I chat about the birth bag shopping list she made for me recently. We could easily have spent hours on this, but wanted to share a little taste of the perspective that we share around tools and equipment. I love that Sam has brought such wisdom to our “team” here and I miss […]

“What’s in the Birth Bag?” With Midwifery Student Sam

Taking Back Birth

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This podcast is taken from a Full Moon Circle we did all about radical prenatal care. I focused in on 3 principles and kinda went with that as a ramble. I will be offering a new Pregnancy Care Monthly Circle in 2024 that will be donation based and focused on prenatal care from ALL angles; […]

3 Principles of Pregnancy Care from My Perspective

Taking Back Birth

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I believe that the most profound reason for pregnancy is to prepare the woman to mother THIS soul and to shift, change and transform her in the process. Pregnancy is not just a physical process; I believe that our cells reorganize on a cosmic level, and that our ancestors are listening. All of the Stars […]

All of the Stars Above; Current Thoughts Around Prenatal Care


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