I Can't Afford a Homebirth and Other Money Issues


First Babies Can Fall Out But Often They Don't

Taking Back Birth

Are You a Birth Witch?


How We Named 
Our Babies



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C’s Twin Indie Birth Told in Photos

Birth Stories

In this episode of Taking Back Birth, I talk about my own experience with pregnancy after loss. Download this podcasts transcript

Pregnancy After Loss: Straight Talk About Working Through the Challenges


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In this episode of Taking Back Birth, I talk about the communications I’ve had over the years with spirit babies.

My Communication With Spirit Babies


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In this episode of Taking Back Birth, I talk about getting back into the world and all of the adjustments that happen during the weeks after birth.

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back: Adjusting to the “New Normal” at 3 Weeks Postpartum

Taking Back Birth

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In this episode of Taking Back Birth, I talk about that time, just days after birth, where you’re neither “here nor there.” You’re no longer pregnant, but you haven’t yet adjusted. There are a lot of feelings that can come up during these days, so listen in!

Neither Here Nor There: Dealing with the “Funk” of Days 3-5 Postpartum


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In this interview, Ed will share with us his experiences of the births of his four children, ranging from cesarean births, to home births, to an accidentally unassisted home birth. He has great insight for fellow dads who may not be so sure about home birth, but are interested in learning more. I’m so grateful […]

Dad Edition #1 : From Hospital Birth to Home Birth Experiences; An Interview with Ed Sciulli


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I feel like this is a topic I revisit often in my own life, but hope that this will be of benefit to other birth attendants and families trying to understand the cost and value of their services. I’ll use my own package as an example of what is offered, and why care costs what […]

What’s In a Midwife’s Fee?


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In this episode of Taking Back Birth, I got to answer some questions from Scott Kirschenbaum (OfWomanBornFilm.com) about labor…while in labor! Download this podcasts transcript  

Questions For a Laboring Mom – An “In Labor” Interview with Scott Kirschenbaum

Taking Back Birth

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In this episode of Taking Back Birth, I talk about what it’s like being just weeks before birth and wondering “when” it’s going to happen! Download this podcast transcript  

When Will It Happen? Staying Present During the Weeks Before Birth


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