I Can't Afford a Homebirth and Other Money Issues


First Babies Can Fall Out But Often They Don't

Taking Back Birth

Are You a Birth Witch?


How We Named 
Our Babies



In this podcast, I share my experiences from the end of pregnancy. Written words aren’t the best to express the feelings at the end of a pregnancy; relief, excitement, anticipation and a general feeling of being caught between worlds. I reflect on the things I am feeling and how labor isn’t really an event but […]

Walking Between the Worlds At the End of Pregnancy


Free Indie Birth Workshop in Lexington, Kentucky NEXT WORKSHOP: SATURDAY NOVEMBER 19 FROM 11 am-1 pm YOU MUST CLICK THE “RESERVE A SPOT” BUTTON BELOW TO RECEIVE ADDRESS OF LOCATION. We are doing an experiment and offering a FREE 2 hour workshop version of our 50 hour birth education class (usually $499). It has been […]

Free Indie Birth Workshop in Kentucky

Labor and Birth

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We are launching our brand new 13 Moons: The Indie Birth Experience Course on January 13th, 2019, but in the meantime…. We are offering a FREE online workshop for all Indie Birth Mamas called “You Can Have a Birth Like This: A Visit With Maryn and Margo, Your Virtual Midwives”. We will walk you through […]

DAY 12: 13 Moons Workshop!


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Today’s gift will give you some intellectual and emotional food for thought. We talk a lot about Susun Weed’s “6 Steps of Healing” here at Indie Birth, and I thought it would be fun to talk through the steps from a birth perspective. This would be helpful for pregnant and birthing women who have issues […]

DAY 11: “The 6 Steps of Healing For Birth”


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We talk a lot about Susun Weed’s “6 Steps of Healing” here at Indie Birth, and I thought it would be fun to talk through the steps from a birth perspective. This would be helpful for pregnant and birthing women who have issues or problems they think they need to solve; from something like heartburn, […]

The Six Steps of Healing For Birth


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The light is returning: What is YOUR intention for what’s to come? ** Tonight, my family and close friends will make a fire together. We usher out the old, and invite in the new by way of writing our intentions on paper and burning them, tied onto a log. I always look forward to this […]

DAY 10: The Light is Returning


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Radical, autonomous “prenatal care”; the DEPTH and BEAUTY of caring for ourselves in pregnancy! ** Margo and I both are HUGE advocates of women taking charge during their prenatal time. This is SO not a black and white thing, though, because it means different things for different people. As it should! We have come to […]

DAY 9: Radical, Autonomous “Prenatal Care”


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There is so much wrong with the world that we could focus on; especially in birth, so many of us are well-acquainted with all the horror stories: abuse and power and control and money. I’m not asking you to turn a blind eye to these realities; but just for today, can we see the beauty […]

DAY 8: Time for Self-Reflection and Gratitude!


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Exclusive Indie Birth “Keep Birth Wild” PRINT!!!!!! ** It’s gift giving time, and since the shirt/sweatshirt was SO popular (See Day 1!), we thought we’d offer this too. I can’t wait to hang one of these awesome animal/birth prints in my own little office! If you missed it, we commissioned this design from one of […]

DAY 7: Keep Birth Wild Poster!


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