I Can't Afford a Homebirth and Other Money Issues


First Babies Can Fall Out But Often They Don't

Taking Back Birth

Are You a Birth Witch?


How We Named 
Our Babies



Becoming a human on earth required us all to TRANSITION to life here. ** In this podcast I talk about all of the ways that a baby needs to adapt; from the obvious taking of breaths to what it might mean in a spiritual sense to cross the veil. I share my own experiences and […]

Wisdom About a Baby’s Transition Earthside


Guest Post by Sara Philkill I have the pleasure of teaching our Speaking Your Truth: Content Creation for Birth Workers course once a year for the Indie Birth Midwifery School, and I love sharing (with permission!) some of our standout pieces that students create. It is so exciting to see awesome content generated, and to […]

The Impact of Social Support on Postnatal Mood Disorder

Postpartum - Mama and Baby

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A guest post by Jaden Graham I have the pleasure of teaching our Speaking Your Truth: Content Creation for Birth Workers course once a year for the Indie Birth Midwifery School, and I love sharing (with permission!) some of our standout pieces that students create. It is so exciting to see awesome content generated, and […]

Abnormal cord insertions and assessing true risk

Labor and Birth

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He’s the only doctor to be on my podcast twice…what an honor! For me, I mean. Listen in on this “Midwife and doctor” conversation (how often do we imagine THAT conversation happening?!) as we talk about: Shame and blame… How we can help create balance in the birth world How much work there is to […]

ANOTHER chat with the Badass OB, Nathan Riley


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On this episode of Well, Actually, Margo talks with Lisa Henrickson-Jack of the Fertility Friday podcast! Fertility Awareness was the way that Margo became interested in women’s health and bodily autonomy, and has the potential to capture the imagination and excitement of a whole new generation of powerful women. Listen in as she and Lisa […]

Episode 17: Actually You Can Observe and Tend Your Own Fertility


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This time I get to sit down with Jessie Harrold and talk about how the shift into motherhood takes way longer than the typical 6 weeks that we think of in our dominant culture. Join us as we explore – how this looks – what this means for us as mothers – how we can […]

Well, Actually Episode 16 – Talking with Jessie Harrold about the MotherSHIFT, the Two+ Years of Transitioning into New Motherhood


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I know, I Know…what?! I am hoping for some huge cultural shifts (and maybe some email responses) around this podcast. I can’t keep quiet any longer that I am TIRED of women/people abdicating responsibility for their birth in a myriad of ways…one of which is the entire paradigm of someone ELSE paying for your birth […]

Why Health Insurance Shouldn’t Factor Into Your Birth Plan


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**I actually wrote this awhile ago and hadn’t gotten around to posting, when this week I was quoted in an article and radio piece on unlicensed midwifery. It is quite clear to me that we will need to tell our own stories, and share our own perspectives. So I was inspired to share this now, […]

I’m a Self-Proclaimed Midwife


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In this podcast, I am a free-flow channel for my most current and most true thoughts and feelings about the topic of “pain in labor”. Have you thought about this word “pain” or about the sensations of birth in general? Agree with me, be offended…whatever! Hoping to spark some deeper conversation into this well-loved topic. […]

Unpopular Thoughts About Labor Pain


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