I Can't Afford a Homebirth and Other Money Issues


First Babies Can Fall Out But Often They Don't

Taking Back Birth

Are You a Birth Witch?


How We Named 
Our Babies



Valerie is a first-year alumnus of Indie Birth Midwifery School serving Northern Arizona with Sacred Pregnancy, Birth, and Postpartum support. A leader in the Sacred Living Movement, she trains people online worldwide in the Art of Sacred Postpartum Healing. Birthing fourteen babies in her primal power has fueled her passion to serve her birthing community […]

In Her Primal Power – Valerie’s Fourteen Birthing Journeys


We often learn, as we are finding our power, how to say NO. “No” is so valuable and an essential skill that many of us need to practice. We are so used to saying yes that it can feel new and exciting and scary to say NO! No, I won’t wear that mask. No, I […]

Finding Your Yes in Birth


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Lykke is a mother, wife, creator, and facilitator of a woman’s circle in her small, beautiful village in Denmark. Her tale is an inner journey towards re-shaping a nurturing and trusting relationship to her intuition and the innate wisdom of her body – something that had been abandoned for most of her life, and wove […]

Lykke’s Unwanted Cesarean as a Catalyst for Cyclical Living


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Did you know that midwives can provide incredible preconception care, too? It is something that most people don’t take advantage of, and in efforts to really serve the community across the lifespan (like midwives have done for forever), I wanted to give some breathing room to this topic. In this post I’ll tell you about […]

Before You Conceive: The Support That Women Really Need


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Does something about doula certification (not training, we are ALL about doula training and have an amazing one you can check out) just not sit right with you? Welcome to the club! Sometimes I genuinely forget that being anti-certification and pro-autonomy is still a radical position to take. Thankfully, I am a part of some […]

Why Doula Certification Is Stupid and Radical Birth Work is the Revolution


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We talk with many prospective doulas each month. After hearing similar themes amongst these calls, I have narrowed down some typical reasons why you should consider NOT pursuing doula training. 1. You don’t believe that you are worth investing in doula education or training. This is the elephant in the room. Most women who are […]

3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Do a Doula Training


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Maíra is a doula and a beginner midwife in the wise woman tradition with Indie Birth Midwifery School. Her journey as a mother and the births of her four children have guided her into a heart-centered path of serving women in their childbearing years. Just as she found her voice and truth through birth, she […]

Listening to Her Womb – Maíra’s Births as Initiation into Authentic Midwifery


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On this podcast, I use Danielle LaPorte as inspiration in a few different ways. Join me as I reflect on what it means to connect with your higher consciousness in pregnancy; how the state of the world is requiring more of this from us (like never before), and how some or all of these questions […]

10 Questions to Ask Your Higher (Pregnant) Self

Taking Back Birth

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Aly McClain is a wife, and a mother of two, with one on the way. She is also a registered nurse, doula, and host of “The Empowered Birth Podcast.” Her passion for physiological birth stems from experiencing a cascade of medical interventions while laboring in the hospital, which ultimately lead to a traumatic c-section. She […]

Operating out of Faith – Aly’s Triumphant VBAC Story


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