I Can't Afford a Homebirth and Other Money Issues


First Babies Can Fall Out But Often They Don't

Taking Back Birth

Are You a Birth Witch?


How We Named 
Our Babies



I didn’t plan on becoming pregnant during what will probably be a very historical (albeit chaotic and crazy) time in world history. But my sweet son had other plans, and navigating the pregnancy and even the birth experience (now newly postpartum and this virus thing is still not “over”) has taught me many new things. […]

How Being Pregnant During Covid Was Weird


Here I sit with a sleeping baby Rumi; just having pulled the first card from a deck I bought when pregnant with him. The deck appeared at about the same time that he told me his name, and these beautiful cards have sat unopened until now. 8 days after birth. ** Wow, what a ride […]

A Card for Rumi

Postpartum - Mama and Baby

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The written birth story is here, but in this podcast, I am so lucky to have Margo still here with me so we can talk in person about this crazy experience and how it felt and looked from each of our vantage points. Truly, this was one remarkable birth (and she is one remarkable friend!) […]

The Time I Had a Freebirth in the Hospital: Maryn and Margo Chat About Rumi’s Birth Story


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If you want a COMPLETE 50+ hour online birth education, we are offering our course 13 Moons: Epic Education for the Birthing Year as a “pay what you can” opportunity to our community so be sure to check that out.

The Time I Had a Freebirth at the Hospital (The Indie Birth of Rumi Sol)

Labor and Birth

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Not so many intellectual thoughts here at the end; but lots of feeling, and dreaming and processing my pregnancy experience thus far. This finishes up baby #10’s pregnancy; and on this podcast I share my thoughts and dreams for birth as well as the overall themes of deep spirituality that were gifted to me over […]

The Spiritual Side of the End of Pregnancy


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April is a nurse and mother of two girls living in a smallish town on the east coast of Australia. Through her process of self-discovery, trust and reconnection with women and sisterhood, April triumphantly birthed her second daughter in the sanctuary of her home after a cesarean with her first. She shares that by doing […]

Embracing Her Wild Nature: April’s Birth Story


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Katrina is a Self employed, Hardworking off grid homestead mother of two. Deep in the forest in an earthship she built with her partner, she had an unassisted birth with her second son. On this journey she learned lots about patience, acceptance, and trusting your intuition. JADEN’S NOTE: Toward the end of the episode, Katrina […]

Katrina’s Off-Grid Freebirth and the Need For Fostering Community


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Hah, trick question. My answer when people ask me is: I have no idea! What I DO care about if someone asks is that they think about what they want, what they want their ENTIRE experience to feel like (NOT just the birth!) and if they’re ready to get real with themselves about their own […]

Should I Have a Freebirth With My First Baby?

Taking Back Birth

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This is the medicine right now. Maybe it’s dog kisses; but really it’s the solitude and being quiet. The end of pregnancy for me brings on the feeling of wanting to focus on spiritual preparation; it’s not mental preparation but it does remind me of trying to cram for a test. You need to find […]

End of Pregnancy? Ditch The Birth Videos and Head Outside


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