I Can't Afford a Homebirth and Other Money Issues


First Babies Can Fall Out But Often They Don't

Taking Back Birth

Are You a Birth Witch?


How We Named 
Our Babies



With 5 children of her own, Francoise ‘ Mamacita’ Souverville, a Certified Childbirth Educator since 1982, began practicing midwifery in 1972, has assisted more than 2000 births in hospital, home, and nature, and created ‘Preparation for Men’ as a means to transform the attitude of birth in the family. After playing a decisive role in […]

“Learn to be Patient”: The Birth Stories and Precious Wisdom of Midwife Francoise “Mamacita” Souverville


Join Margo and this mama who has reached her “due window” and is excited to chat with a midwife outside the system about everything from labor preparation as a first time mom, to induction at 41 weeks (and how to not go down that road), to postpartum baby choices like vitamin k, the newborn screen […]

In The Midwife’s Office #3: Visit With a 37 Week First Time Mama


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This may be an intense one, but is highly personal as our kids experienced the death of one of our beloved dogs recently. This is another ramble, but one about the belief systems that we have taught our kids regarding death, and also a sharing into what this has looked and felt like for different […]

Mothering # 9: Holding Space for Our Kids on the Topic of Death

Taking Back Birth

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Unpopular opinion of the day. You don’t need permission to be who you are. You don’t need anyone’s blessing. You don’t need approval from us, even if you’re our doula or midwifery student. Just because you have a teacher doesn’t mean that teacher controls your self expression. We are all students. We are all teachers. […]

Powerful Women Do Not Need Certificates

Trending (Blog)

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Megan is a mom of 2 from Northern CA who, after experiencing an unexpected hospital induction with her 1st child, decided to take her 2nd pregnancy and birth into her own hands. After countless hours spent in excited preparation, at 41 weeks, she birthed a gorgeous baby girl into her own hands, in the comfort […]

“Birth Transforms Us All”: Megan’s Birth Story

Birth Warrior Podcast

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Join Margo and this 24 week mama in a session where they talk about the second trimester of pregnancy, the culture of fear and how to step outside of it, blood volume expansion and nutrition, and setting realistic goals for the end of pregnancy (plus Margo’s favorite tip for swelling!) Margo is offering a limited […]

In the Midwife’s Office #2: Visit with a 24 Week Mama- The Sweet Spot of Pregnancy


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Being initiated into Motherhood with empty arms, Athanasia used her Shamanic Yoga background and Spiritual connection as a Psychic Medium and Energy Healer to dive deep into the healing journey her sweet daughter, Sage, brought into her life. Surrendering, accepting and allowing the sacred relationship of mother and child to unfold as the Universe would […]

Ecstatic Grief: Birthing Baby Sage Without a Heartbeat


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Listen in on Margo’s preconception consultation with a woman who had a full term birth 5 years ago with her first pregnancy, and then had two first trimester miscarriages last year in 2020. We talk about blood work (including the blood work her OB did and didn’t order!), uncovering possible causes, ideas to strengthen her […]

In The Midwife’s Office #1 – Pre-conception Planning After Two Miscarriages


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This podcast was not what I was planning on, but it’s what happened when I started talking about asking for guidance from my (deceased) grandma and grandpa. It’s not entirely unrelated to the spirit world that we talk about when talking about spirit babies, so I thought I’d share it with you as a “creating […]

Calling in My Ancestors

Taking Back Birth

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