I Can't Afford a Homebirth and Other Money Issues


First Babies Can Fall Out But Often They Don't

Taking Back Birth

Are You a Birth Witch?


How We Named 
Our Babies



How do these two topics go together? They do! I want to share my perspective on MY reality of this virus thing and how ultimately, we need to choose each step of the way how we want to respond. Best way to do that? Get in touch with your own innate power and let your […]

Witchery 101 – and Thoughts About the World

Taking Back Birth

Are you frustrated, depressed or scared at times about the way the world is going? Have you wondered how to handle it all….or how to at least take care of yourself? Maybe you even have thoughts of wanting to make a difference somehow. The Answers To All of That Are WITHIN DATES FOR THIS SESSION […]

Witchery 101 (Live Online Classes)

Witchery 101

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As we prepare to leave the Red Rocks of Sedona, I imagine what I will take with me to remember this land. Yes, the visual memory and the photos; but something tangible. Wanting something “useful”, I eye our mama juniper tree in our front yard. I suddenly have a new appreciation for her berries, and […]

Mama Juniper

Witchery 101

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After a moving update and a post-vacation summary, I’m back! I’m calling this “part 1” because I know there will be more ideas and a creative plan that come to be eventually as we settle down in our lives and I get back to birth work. As I share, this is the “burn it down” […]

Redefining Midwifery – Part 1

Taking Back Birth

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[et_pb_section][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text] This is the story of my fourth pregnancy, and second full term birth (you can read my first birth story here or in our book. It is long, not because the labor was long this time, but because how can you condense such an epic experience? That and I am apparently incapable of […]

When Aero Was Born

Birth Stories

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Kimberly is a certified high performance coach, bestselling writer, health junkie, freedom-lover, wife, momma, and unsinkable optimist. After 24 hours of natural labor and childbirth, and dismissing the camera that was intended to document the event, Kim, feeling like Wonder Woman, gained the powerful truth that fearing life’s contractions keeps you contracted, along with the […]

Kicking Fear Off Her Throne: Kimberly’s Birth Story

Birth Warrior Podcast

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“My name’s XYZ and I’m from XYZ. I’m really interested in becoming a midwife after being a doula for a few years now but have some questions regarding taking the course here. Would I be able to receive clients here in XYZ? Which countries accept the credentials of this course?” We get emails like this […]

Stop Getting Ahead of Yourself


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Join Margo and this 2nd trimester mama who had a postpartum hemorrhage with her first home birth, and is looking for ways to refind her confidence going into her second now. They also talk about hyperemesis gravidarum, the emotional aspects of vomiting, anterior cervical lips, coached pushing, placenta birth, and more. In other words, they […]

In The Midwife’s Office #4: Debriefing a Prior Postpartum Hemorrhage and Finding a New Way Forward


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Important Links The Beginner’s Guide to Radical Midwifery Mini-Course Learn about the Indie Birth Midwifery School

How to Become the Radical Midwife Your Community Needs


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