I Can't Afford a Homebirth and Other Money Issues


First Babies Can Fall Out But Often They Don't

Taking Back Birth

Are You a Birth Witch?


How We Named 
Our Babies



Stacey Ramsower is an Ayurvedic lifestyle coach, full spectrum doula, and mother pursuing her doctorate in clinical psychology. Stacey’s journey in birth began when she decided to meet her birth mother and continues evolving through her pregnancy, birth, and postpartum experiences. LINKS & SHOW NOTES Birth Warrior Podcast submissions link Stacey’s website Sacred Body Podcast […]

Healing Through Not From Her Birth Journeys: Stacey’s Stories

Birth Warrior Podcast

Margo joins me for the first in this new series about midwifery apprenticeship. As she says in our chat, it seems that the apprenticeship conversation has occasionally thrown the “baby out with the bathwater” (no pun intended!) around IF there is a structured path(And what it is), or not. I do feel like I have […]

Apprenticeship #1: What are the Stepping Stones on this Path?

Taking Back Birth

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From her own words, this week’s guest, Clare, writes: “My four incredible birth experiences have catalyzed and propelled our family into the life we are meant to be living. Through the discernment process of creating my birth experiences, at home and in freedom, we broke through other barriers of current society and culture and began […]

Fearlessly Following No One But Herself: Clare’s Journey Through Birth

Birth Warrior Podcast

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I left off with a podcast about leaving Sedona and the land there; so what more natural place to begin again than with a “hello” from Kentucky! I want to share with you the magic of the last 4 months in summary, with having landed at our new house and property. I want to share […]

Welcome to Kentucky!


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Emily is a homebirth mother of three. She chose to birth her third baby outside of the regulated midwifery model when she realized it wasn’t meeting her needs in a COVID landscape. Her pregnancy, birth, NICU experience, and postpartum were deep lessons in intuition and finding her own way through. LINKS & SHOW NOTES Birth […]

“The one you didn’t plan is the one that will teach you the most”: Emily’s Birth Story of Uli Hawthorne

Birth Warrior Podcast

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A super short and last minute (and last!) podcast from Sedona. I wanted to say my goodbye and express my gratitude to this sacred land, to the mountain that has guided and guarded us. I also wanted to take one last visit to Rumi’s Cave, the special spot where I’d go in my pregnancy with […]

Rumi’s Cave


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Hello Birth Friends, Margo here! Let’s talk about radical ways of relating to money and economy. I’ve been learning and thinking a lot about money for a long time, but especially the last few years as my family shifted to me being pretty much the sole income provider. Manifesting, budgeting, self worth, abundance mindset, I’ve […]

Thoughts About Gift Economy

Trending (Blog)

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Trudy is the mother of two sons, who were lovingly and intentionally freebirthed in the comfort of her home, with the support of her husband and doula. Currently living in England, where the National Health Service, commonly known as NHS, is the premiere and routine course for prenatal care, Trudy went against the grain with […]

“You’re All You Need”: Trudy’s Intuitive Births

Birth Warrior Podcast

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This is an edited transcript from my Midwife Monday Youtube Live event, June 21, 2021. You can watch the actual video here. Let’s talk about Rikki’s topic. I think that is really beautiful, and I think would feel good today to reflect on that because it is a solstice. We’re talking about birth and how […]

Balancing the Masculine and Feminine in the Birth Space


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