I Can't Afford a Homebirth and Other Money Issues


First Babies Can Fall Out But Often They Don't

Taking Back Birth

Are You a Birth Witch?


How We Named 
Our Babies



This is a 2 for 1 episode as I explain what midwitchery means to me, and also what “metaphysical midwifery” is and how I see it. Each midwife is responsible for creating her own offerings as she sees fit, and these are the structures and beliefs mine are based on. “Metaphysical” means beyond the physical, […]

What Is “Midwitchery?”

Taking Back Birth

Brooke is a mother and wife originally from Idaho, now living in Whanganui, New Zealand with her two daughters and husband. She believes some of the most important work you can do in life is to figure out what exactly you truly, deeply want: what would life – and birth – look like if you […]

Brooke’s Birth Stories of Saioa, Lorea Dolores, and Birthing in Alignment of Your Wildest Dreams

Birth Warrior Podcast

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Ok, not ALL the things. But here’s a 40 minute ramble about SOME of the things that people often don’t think about when they hit a wall with breastfeeding; whether it’s low milk supply or failure to thrive or any of the ways that nursing can feel hard. This list is not exhaustive, but I […]

All the Things That Create Optimal Breastfeeding


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It is not an accident that I have felt led to write this post on “Black Friday”. My inbox is filled up already, at 9 am, with offers and deals. Buy this! Buy now! Gotta get their money before they spend it somewhere else. Not enough, never enough. The way of the world is commerce […]

An Antidote to Black Friday; Giving Midwifery?


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This was QUITE a ramble! It starts with a Rumi poem and then a trip down the rabbit hole of self-love and REALLY TRULY BEING who you are and seeing it! Whether it’s because you are a midwife/doula/birthing woman or not, the female energy of total love and acceptance for ourselves is needed NOW. Check […]

Whether It’s Birth or Life, Be Authentic!


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Today’s Amelia’s 19th birthday! How did this tiny 6 pound baby become this beautiful, smart and funny woman? I can’t take too much credit, but I hope you’ll enjoy hearing from her about the joys of being homeschooled, how it’s been to witness births and the oldest of 10 kids…plus more “randomness” that she shares. […]

An Interview With My 19 Year Old Daughter, Amelia

Taking Back Birth

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Yes, it’s one year! Both the longest and shortest year of my life, and by far my most life-altering birth experience. First I share some updates but in typical stream of consciousness style, weave in the lessons and beauty of this day one year ago. Happy Birthday Rumi Sol! (His birth story is here: https://indiebirth.org/rumisol) […]

Reflections on the One Year Anniversary of Rumi’s Birth

Taking Back Birth

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Whether “death” is emotional or spiritual or even feels physical, what is the role of the death process when we are in the birth process? Thanks to a listener’s email, I offer you some thoughts around this topic at the darkest time of year. Download This Podcast Transcript

The Experience of Death in Birth

Taking Back Birth

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The tide has turned! I have been challenged with my own physical process lately (and really since Rumi’s birth!) and I’m beginning to see how this relates to my role as a midwife. Gosh, life is funny! Just when you think you have something figured out, the Universe shows up point you in a different […]

The Physicality of Birth (and Life)

Taking Back Birth

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