I Can't Afford a Homebirth and Other Money Issues


First Babies Can Fall Out But Often They Don't

Taking Back Birth

Are You a Birth Witch?


How We Named 
Our Babies



Claire is an artist and mother of two daughters, who, during her latest pregnancy, leaned fully into trust her own intuition – amidst developing and being diagnosed with pre-eclampsia at 38 weeks. Knowing very well that she would have been labeled as high risk had she chosen to birth within the medical system, Claire went […]

“What Do I Want to Do and What Feels Right”: Claire’s Birth Stories, Letting Intuition Guide Your Pregnancy and Birth, and the Complex Condition That is Pre-Eclampsia

Birth Warrior Podcast

It started 6 days ago, at 11+ weeks gestation. I offer my story of loss to the community for my own healing and maybe part of your own process. [photos are at the very bottom of the post] The first time I saw blood six days ago I panicked and cried and feared the worst. […]

Anna’s Miscarriage Story

Miscarriage and Loss

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200 podcasts plus and no mention of sex or intimacy ’til now! That says a lot I think, but I’m here with this one to remedy it all by sharing my experience. This is especially for breastfeeding mamas of young kids, and includes ideas and resources for creating intimacy with yourself which I think is […]

The Sexisode


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Amina is an Algerian native, currently living in Egypt with her husband and two daughters, Maryam and Leila. A lover of home births and breastfeeding, Amina volunteers most of her time helping and consulting mothers on breastfeeding via social media. Her message to women is to trust their bodies and know that birth can be […]

“Just Add Salty Water”: Amina’s Birth Stories, How Doing Less Is Sometimes Better and The Intuitive Knowing of When To Seek and Not Seek Help

Birth Warrior Podcast

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Welcome 2022! This is a new year, a new chance to set intention and create a working routine for yourself that promotes growth and abundance. My routine isn’t the most exciting, but people ask from time to time how I take care of myself while also taking care of 10 kids + clients, and so […]

Self-Care is Not a Bubble Bath

Taking Back Birth

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Yep, a shameless plug for doing a virtual prenatal or mentorship visit with me! But really; it was time to just blab about the options and how these visits can look and who they are for, since people are always asking. I cover the basic questions you might have; from how it works, to virtual […]

Virtual Visits with Maryn

Taking Back Birth

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Kyleigh’s preparation for birth started long before she became pregnant with her first and only daughter. Through years of rock-bottoms and spiritual awakenings, Kyleigh approached her birth ready to completely surrender to the process, and surrender she did. She had a 9 hour home birth, with full autonomy, zero fear, and without ever reaching her […]

“Just Another Day… No Big Deal”: Kyleigh’s Story and The Importance of Mental Prep Work to Help Create the Pregnancy and Birth You Desire

Birth Warrior Podcast

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For years people have asked me; “are you going to have more?”, and I have also asked myself this many times too. I do eventually offer my two cents around this topic; including some thoughts about spirit baby communication. But first, a Solstice energy round up and a quick Tarot reading.

Am I Done Having Babies?

Taking Back Birth

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Natalia discovered her power and sovereignty, as both a woman and a mother, by taking responsibility for her prenatal care and birth. This journey of radical responsibility led her into reclamation of her body, and her womanhood. Presently, Natalia is beginning a new journey of holding space for other women, through the reclamation of their […]

Rewriting Her Story As a Sovereign Woman: Natalia’s Powerful Birth During an Earthquake

Birth Warrior Podcast

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