I Can't Afford a Homebirth and Other Money Issues


First Babies Can Fall Out But Often They Don't

Taking Back Birth

Are You a Birth Witch?


How We Named 
Our Babies



Jennifer graciously shares her origin story with us, including her own birth experiences (2 midwife attended and one freebirth), her journey of learning about birth from Gloria Lemay, Jeannine Parvati Baker, Whapio and Michel Odent, two birth center apprenticeship experiences, and the multiple initiations and reckonings she has experienced that have brought her to a […]

Another Conversation with Jennifer Summerfeldt: Her Origin Story and Eschewing Even the Radical Rules Around Birth


This is an edited version of live chat I did in November 2020. I live here in Minnesota and I guess for the sake of shorthand it’s a blue state, and we are known for being “Minnesota nice”. So if you haven’t heard this term, it’s this idea that Minnesotan’s will do typically anything they […]

Musings on Mask Mandates


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On my morning walks I have been listening on Audible to the book Braiding Sweetgrass and I really highly recommend. It is an amazing book for anyone who is interested in living in a way that is more harmonious with the Earth. So the chapter I was listening to recently was about the question “how […]

What the heck is a “wild pregnancy”?

Trending (Blog)

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Doula Training and Midwifery Training: Is Having Kids a Requirement? Description: “I want to be a doula or a midwife, but I haven’t had kids yet. Does it matter?” This is a question I hear constantly from aspiring doulas and midwives. In this exciting episode, I finally address this topic that has been on my […]

Doula Training and Midwifery Training: Is Having Kids a Requirement? How Having Babies Impacted Me as a Midwife


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Here it is: 12 minutes that we are asking you to please listen to, and share far and wide. We do not know WHO this vision will resonate with, or what will come in to make this a reality. In this podcast, I outline the what, where, why and how about this important and massive […]

The Vision of an (Indie Birth) Birth Retreat Center

Taking Back Birth

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Amanda Alappat is a homebirth mother of two, a preconception to postpartum coach, birth doula and facilitator of women’s circles, retreats and programs. Though she experienced two very different births, she’s come to learn that how you birth truly does matter and that each experience is an opportunity to step into and own our fullest […]

The Answers Are Within Us: Amanda’s Birth Stories and The Confidence That Birth Can Give You In the Face of Life’s Challenges 

Birth Warrior Podcast

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In this podcast, I talk about creating the bubble of energy and vibration that feels important to me as the midwife when waiting on mama’s to birth. We end up separating ourselves in a way from “normal” life, much like a pregnant mama does at the end of her pregnancy. I’d love to hear your […]

Being in the Bubble As the Midwife

Taking Back Birth

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Hi, My name is Amelia! Not long ago, I became a last minute “postpartum doula” for my friend Margo last month. I made her some placenta smoothies, and my mom asked me to write them down and share them all with you. I hope you like the placenta smoothies:) It’s never too young to begin […]

Amelia’s Placenta Smoothie Recipes

Postpartum - Mama and Baby

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Bridget is a wife, stay at home mother of 2 beautiful girls, and a follower of Christ. Through her pregnancy, labor, and birth, Bridget found healing and strength in ways she didn’t know were possible – overcoming intense anxieties and fears, letting go of control, and trusting that God was with her through it all. […]

Shedding Untruths and Listening To Spirit: Bridget’s Birth Story and How Anxiety Is The Ultimate Liar 

Birth Warrior Podcast

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