Miscarriage and Loss

My First Miscarriage

September 2, 2024

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A Miscarriage Story
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We're Maryn + Margo

We are mamas and birth workers who decided to do birth differently– and bring others along with us. We are kind, fun to work with, and great at (lovingly) calling people on their bullshit. With 12 children and 20 years of midwifery between us, we’ve learned a thing or two along the way, and Indie Birth is our space to share it all with you.


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The first miscarriage I experienced was over 12 years ago, in between my 5th baby Belgium and before I got pregnant with True.

I never really thought it would happen to me, and even as a midwife I felt really unprepared. I remember seeing the first wipe of blood (I was just about 5 weeks pregnant) and being so shocked and confused.

If only I had been taught in midwifery school, or even by an elder or preceptor, I would have chosen so much differently for myself in that situation.

Long story short, I just kinda freaked out. Because I had never been through it, and I think part of me thought I could change or prevent what was already happening.

I ended up asking an elder midwife friend what I should do and she said….go to her backup doctor! At the time I was grateful for the help and guidance. But I look back now and wonder why on earth that was her recommendation for what was a pretty normal early loss.

But I had to experience it, I suppose. I remember waiting in the waiting room in tears, and then subjecting myself to a transvaginal ultrasound EVEN THOUGH I WAS BLEEDING.

Like, it wasn’t really a mystery what was going on 🙂 But I suppose I needed to engage the medical system to have it confirmed.

The funny thing was, the doctor didn’t confirm. He said maybe my dates were off (!!!!) even though I laid there bleeding. And so I Ieft the office.

The miscarriage ensued when I got home from that appointment, and so maybe it was what I “needed”.

But chances are, it would have happened that way anyhow.

I do have such compassion for my younger, less experienced self. She did the best she could.

One of weird passions in life is supporting women during this time so that they too can have the information, knowledge and support to basically avoid the medical system unless they truly want or need that.

Miscarriage is normal, albeit not most women’s desire.
We don’t need medical care unless things veer outside of what’s truly safe for the body.

Margo and I want to share, and teach any of you that are willing because this is information that needs to get back to women.

This 4 hour masterclass is going to be amazing, and if you register you will get the recording. We do NOT have plans to sell the recording later so register if you would to have access.

PS If you’ve had miscarriages, was there information/wisdom or support you wish you had had? And if you are a birth worker, where are the gaps in supporting women through loss for you?


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