I feel like it used to be a “thing” to want proof of something before you bought it/chose it.
But nowadays, in the era of *literally anyone can “make” a midwifery school if they have the tech skills* I wonder if that is still true.
Indie Birth Midwifery School as it’s known now has been around for 8 years. 8 long years of growth, change and transformation which is what I would totally expect for the way Margo and I do things:)
And it’s not my job to compare us with other school, nor do I really care in many ways what the mainstream/average/brainwashed woman might choose for her education. I’m sure most are still choosing the paved path of licensing or even becoming a nurse first.
But as far as other more autonomous or non-accredited schools, I am fairly sure that we are the only ones with a good deal (probably more than is necessary!) of social proof.
If anyone cares about social proof anymore, I do not know! But we literally have hundreds and hundreds of hours, hundreds of videos and podcasts, and a BOOK! We do, we wrote a book years ago and have hosted several “real” midwifery conferences.
Of all of our accomplishments and “proof”, if I was a student midwife or a wanna be one day midwife, I’d be totally impressed by the many beautiful, physiological REAL LIFE birth videos that our clients have allowed us to share over the years.
When they were published (and even now), it was never about us as midwives. It was to showcase these beautiful powerful woman and their babies and what sovereignty in birth LOOKS LIKE.
But, as our midwifery school (as we know it) comes to the end of a chapter, I thought why not highlight these videos as a way to show what midwifery could look like?
I wasn’t thinking about the way I handled this birth either (click here); and ended up making an hour long commentary about it because of the curiousity/idiocracy/hate that I endured on social medial about it.
I’ve never been afraid to show myself as a midwife, and I don’t know that many other midwives (especially those who have created a midwifery school) that have regularly and transparently put themselves out there in the world so openly.
I cannot think of anyone else who has a “midwifery school” that has TONS of social proof of being at births, attending real women and talking about it. Even when things didn’t go perfectly.
There’s lots of pretty Instagram grids and talk about “sovereign birth” but tell me if you’ve actually SEEN IT by the people that are talking the talk. It’s anyone’s guess if they are afraid of being seen at births, or perhaps don’t actually attend them in the way they’ve described.
There’s the talk, and then there’s the walk.
And we’ve been doing both of those things for nearly 15 years, and ACTUALLY doing it. Not in retirement, not as a “doula”, not as women who hide behind a podcast or post that is only words.
You can watch so many of our videos and see for yourself if you want to learn from us.
Seems obvious to me that social proof should be important, and if you are wanting to learn midwifery, that you do it from people that actually know what they are talking about.
Because they have lived it.
Last chance to enroll in IBMS here.
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