
The Time I Had a Freebirth in the Hospital: Maryn and Margo Chat About Rumi’s Birth Story

November 13, 2020

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That time I had a freebirth at the Hospital
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We are mamas and birth workers who decided to do birth differently– and bring others along with us. We are kind, fun to work with, and great at (lovingly) calling people on their bullshit. With 12 children and 20 years of midwifery between us, we’ve learned a thing or two along the way, and Indie Birth is our space to share it all with you.


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The written birth story is here, but in this podcast, I am so lucky to have Margo still here with me so we can talk in person about this crazy experience and how it felt and looked from each of our vantage points.

Truly, this was one remarkable birth (and she is one remarkable friend!) and I feel SO BLESSED to have had this experience, and with her by my side. There are no coincidences; we recorded this at 3 days postpartum but we already are getting glimpses of why this birth needed to happen the way it did and why and how our work at Indie Birth will be positively affected.

Thanks for listening and we’d love to hear your thoughts!

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  1. Kirsty P says:

    I think RumiSol was showing the doctors and nurses what women can do naturally if not pressed by a medical direction. The doctor and nurses hopefully now have much more respect for women knowing what will happen if they remain hands off. His gift to them.

  2. Lori Silva says:

    I thank the Lord for your audio witness of Rumi’s Lesson, Maryn and Margo. I thank Him for graciously allowing me to see how invaluable listening to birth stories is and to realize this wasn’t something the American midwives of the 60s and 70s had access to. Does your program or do you know of many midwifery programs having a certain number of birth stories as required listening? Also, in many free births, there would be no monitoring whatsoever. I would like to hear your thoughts on that.
    Thank you. ????

  3. Starla Walker says:

    So beautiful. Such a powerful story… I have been afraid to go back to hospitals to be a doula (even though I really want to be a birth worker) because I experienced so much personal disempowerment birthing in the hospital (as opposed to my home births). Even though my husband wants to support me getting my feet wet as a doula and then saving the money I make there so I can do midwifery school. After hearing your story, I am really praying about being a doula and helping women who are planning hospital births to experience what you did. I think I would like to help women have similar experiences. So, we’ll see… but I have been really inspired… and the synchronisity is striking, because just a few weeks I told my husband “I just can’t go back to the hospital.” Thanks Maryn and Margo for being so transparent.

  4. Lauren Young says:

    Wow…Congratulations, Maryn! Beautiful birth story and very inspiring. So many things that resonate with me hearing Rumi’s story…Thank you for sharing it. And Margo, so amazing how you supported them. From a nurse’s perspective, I want to tell you that it was your call to the labor and delivery unit that was extremely helpful- probably the most crucial thing you could have done to set the tone, give the information so that they knew what to expect and give a sense of peace for when you all arrived. Just having the story of what’s going on from a source (You, a midwife) I know was very calming for the hospital staff…without that their imaginations would have been running wild towards fear. Also, like you both mentioned, your energy was a driving force for the calm in the room. And I love what you both said at the end of the podcast, that maybe there IS more we can influence in the hospital setting to change the birth culture.

    So happy for you all! Welcome to the world, Rumi <3

  5. Dorothea Manitsa says:

    That’s very interesting. Two things came into my mind while i have listened to your story from both of you.
    Do you think that the chiropractic application during birth or even at the end of pregnancy might have contributed to a malpositioning that caused this unusual labor for you ? And i am thinking could it be that the heartrates of the baby were adjusted in a way to facilitate the birth and this weird position in the womb? This came into my mind because babies are really adaptive and resilient..there are people ..adults who control their heartrate and can eg drop during specific circumstances in order to survive.
    I think also that since there was no issue in the end the transfer served as a shift of mood in you Maryn and your psych..its as if you felt first of all safe that you guys could observe closely there the heartrate. Then you felt that everything was ok and wanted to complete the birth consiously to avoid any unnecessry handling..although they seemed at ease and respectful, i guess if it were to last longer they would have start to ask to do things probably. The truth is usually when they have to deal with a straightforward birth the outcome is indeed positive in a hospital. I heard this same thing from many and the same element in all these stories is that they were births out of the medical book of normality :). The peaceful and respectful attitude there of course goes a long way. Thinking we are here because we chose, they offer something that we definately want right now and that basically they are not enemies they have restrictions and certain perspectives..ultimately they cant do things to us we dont want. I know a friend who gave birth a breech baby in a hospital were there was a c section protocol for breech babies, with a dear friend and midwife as support help. She had to sign some paperwork while in labor. But she gave birth how she wanted! The best place is were a woman is at peace and yours is freebirth because you didnt obviously altered your will or wishes in any way.

  6. Maryn Green says:

    I’m not sure that’s true and I think the point is what has to be true to equal these “definitions”….certainly people not taught in birth listen with dopplers at their free births…conversely, not even sure this monitor was on or functioning as he came flying out minutes after. So, the monitor wasn’t used or looked at or relied on, the mother was. Those are my thoughts! Expanding the possibilities of birth.

  7. Maryn Green says:

    Maybe! I am not any more in favor of routine hospital birth as a result yet what I am in favor of is for women in ANY setting to find their confidence and voice.

  8. Nancy Watson says:

    First off congratulations! What a beautiful story of birth and the support you felt.
    So many lessons in what you experienced and your openness to INCORPORATE them into your being at the time and hopefully later your practice is wonderful. When we are open to learning from our experiences we become more knowledgeable and wise.
    Here’s to two wise women!
    Your inner wisdom told you what you needed to do in labor and you gained more wisdom while birthing and supporting Rumi’s birth in the hospital.
    Joyful tears

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