Join Margo and this sweet mama as they process her first birth, an induction in the hospital where she felt like she was disrespected and not given space to tune into her intuition. Gestational diabetes and hypertension (sort of) also played into her first story. She is preparing for a home birth this time, and is worried about what it might look like if her midwives risk her out but she wants to stay home. Join this tender, rich conversation that goes beyond the typical conversation around risk and decision making and really digs into the wise woman model of care in real time.
Margo is offering a limited number of free virtual prenatal sessions in exchange for recording them as Well, Actually… episodes. The world needs to know what real prenatal care sounds like! To have your virtual prenatal be featured on this series,
sign up here.
To simply book a virtual, one-on-one prenatal with Margo (or Maryn), click here for more details.
Duluth Midwife
Hypertension in Pregnancy Research File
Hypertension Handout
13 Moons: Epic Education for The Birthing Year
Birth Warrior Project: 120 Day Doula Training and Transformation
Indie Birth Midwifery School
TRANSCRIPTION: In the Midwife’s Office #5 – Processing Birth Provider Trauma and Preparing for a Homebirth
Podcast (well-actually): Download (Duration: 48:43 — 44.6MB)
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