
How We Named Our Babies

April 16, 2020

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We're Maryn + Margo

We are mamas and birth workers who decided to do birth differently– and bring others along with us. We are kind, fun to work with, and great at (lovingly) calling people on their bullshit. With 12 children and 20 years of midwifery between us, we’ve learned a thing or two along the way, and Indie Birth is our space to share it all with you.


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Who doesn’t love talking about names? Join me in this podcast about baby names! First, a short update from my perspective on some world events…and then time spent on why, how and when people name their babies, as well as how I came to the names of our children. I hope you enjoy this and would love to hear your thoughts!

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  1. Johanna Eriksson says:

    Yep, Sweden have name laws. It says among other things:

    A first name must not be able to cause discomfort to the person who is going to have it or to offend someone else. The name must not be regarded as a last name. Nor should it be inappropriate as a first name for any other reason.

    Thanks for a nice episode

  2. wendy says:

    maryn (am i pronouncing it correctly? lol)
    gotta say, i listen to very little on line, but have been drawn to your evocative and worthwhile podcasts.
    as a guardian of physiological and autonomous birth for forty years. your insights and conviction resonate.
    they spring from first hand experience (we always bring our own births to the party) being true to yourself, holding space for mothers and babies to birth safely with primal dignity, bearing witness to parturition (conception through lactation) and instinctual mothering, belief that birth is a sacred, inherently safe rite of passage, informed by the greatest wisdom. you share honestly and with vulnerability, what birth, mothers, babies and families have taught you. i appreciate your undiluted passion for birth work, your honouring your children and partner, your willingness to remain ‘teachable’ despite unswerving convictions (born of your intuition and confirmed by experience). i heard you say, following a convincing belief you hold. …
    “i don’t know”… this could be a ‘midwife humility mantra’, acknowledging our never ending learning and even unlearning. one of my personal favourites is “don’t rob faith of her sublime sweetness”.
    ha’chka maryn. que dios te bendiga y te guarde. una hermana wendy

  3. Molly Racette says:

    Yay! Loved this one! Naming is such a special task, I’m on my second and I’ve felt for both that they absolutely choose their name. This pregnancy, we are much more laid back and waiting to see if the babe that emerges fits the “idea” that we have in our hearts for him/her. There is a name floating around that was actually floating around my first too, so we are both wondering if this is him/her. So interesting to hear that you’ve felt the same way, like the sequence changes and then another little beam of light comes through.

    When pregnant with my first, I heard someone say that their name is the prayer that we give them. I love thinking that, that every time we speak their name, we speak the prayer that comes with them. My daughter is Tulsi Lavender, and she truly is such a healing little bean. Can’t wait to meet my second!

    Thanks for sharing, I love hearing why/how others “choose” their little ones names. It was a fun podcast episode to listen to, especially while pregnant. Really resonated with me, so thank you again!

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We are mamas and midwives who decided to do birth differently– and bring others along with us. We are radical, fun to work with, and great at (lovingly) calling people on their bullshit to help move us all towards a new more beautiful world. With 12 children and over two decades of midwifery between us, we’ve learned a thing or two along the way, and Indie Birth is our space to share it all with you.

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