Quite often, I meet women who are looking into (or dreaming about!) homebirth. Sadly, a lot of these women have unsupportive or uneducated (or scared) partners that want to have the baby in the hospital. Even sadder, I’d say many of these couples wind up with unfulfilling experiences in pregnancy and birth because not only are they in disagreement about a crucial decision, but also because they are letting fear rule them. Every woman reading this can relate on some level; either you are or you’ve been that woman, that woman is your best friend, your sister, your cousin. We all know women who “wish” they could plan a homebirth but their partner just isn’t into the idea.
Well, I don’t think any male could get his thoughts about homebirth down on paper as eloquently as my husband. He’s been by my side from the first (hospital) birth through the subsequent 4 homebirths, and I would agree, it has made him a changed man. We both marvel over how far we feel we’ve come with taking responsibility for our lives, and we both agree that birthing at home was the absolute first step for us in reclaiming this power. I am grateful that I never had to be in convincing mode-we walked every step of the way together, weighing the pros and cons.
His words are beautiful, graceful, and will touch your heart. They will either remind you why you’re a committed homebirther; or they will respectfully plant the seed (for anyone, male or female) of homebirth.
This is a great book for so many that need to hear these words–however, this is not a factual or statistical book that attempts to “convince” anyone of anything at all. It’s not anti-hospital or close-minded in the other direction either. It is a powerful yet simple reminder to get in touch with where the power lies–in all of us.
I’d suggest this book for not only expectant parents, but even those not pregnant yet. It is never too early to know your options! Doulas, midwives and other birth professionals should have a copy as well; I plan on using it specifically in the interview process if the couple is divided/unsure, etc. about where they stand on homebirth.
Because the truth is, it’s nice if everybody involved is wholeheartedly committed and responsible to homebirth. This means the baby’s mom and dad work together to see and envision the same birth dream.
Thanks to my husband, I believe that couples have a great chance at seeing that after reading this together.
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