Labor and Birth

Free Indie Birth Workshop in Kentucky

January 10, 2019

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We're Maryn + Margo

We are mamas and birth workers who decided to do birth differently– and bring others along with us. We are kind, fun to work with, and great at (lovingly) calling people on their bullshit. With 12 children and 20 years of midwifery between us, we’ve learned a thing or two along the way, and Indie Birth is our space to share it all with you.


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Free Indie Birth Workshop in Lexington, Kentucky



We are doing an experiment and offering a FREE 2 hour workshop version of our 50 hour birth education class (usually $499). It has been hugely popular in the online natural birth community but we want to see MORE CHANGE FASTER right here in Kentucky and surrounding states.

“I grabbed my reservation for the Indie Birth live workshop last minute & I’m so thankful I did. I didn’t know what to expect from the class, but was pleasantly greeted with a simple but POWERFUL presentation and Maryn’s unmatched knowledge. The floor was always open for questions and being able to see and discuss actual raw births was probably my favorite part of the workshop. The way Maryn speaks and teaches of birth is relatable, easy to connect with, and demonstrates the reverence of birth. My only complaint is I wish it could have lasted longer—I never wanted it to end (haha)!”

Thanks again,

We are going to make this a multi-media and experiential learning event. Our hope is that you will leave feeling fully immersed in what birth really looks like and feels like when we respect the process.

You will leave this workshop feeling amazed, excited, inspired and READY to create your ideal birth!

“Regardless of where, how or with whom, we want to share with you what we know. Some age-old knowledge, some new; a blending of the sacred and scientific; ALL information focuses on what makes birth a remarkable, safe experience for the mama AND the baby. How can we plan for an “Indie Birth”? The next generation is counting on us to learn all we can, connect all we can, and embark upon our birth and mothering experience with all the wisdom that can be afforded to us.”

You do not have to be pregnant. Those that work with birthing families and just anyone that is interested in birth for their own knowledge and/or helping future generations is welcome!

*Indie Birth is a global community and this workshop is being taught all over the world! This location (Lexington) is taught by Indie Birth co-founder, Maryn, and this class has been the inspiration for change all over the world.*

Nursing babies welcome as well as interested teens! Please leave your toddlers and young children at home as they will not be able to sit quietly for this long!

“In Summer of 2022 I attended my first Indie Birth Birth Education Workshop. I had already had 4 children, started doula work (after previously completing another doula course- not from Indie Birth), and I had been listening to Taking Back Birth podcast every day for a few months but I wanted to go to this workshop to meet Maryn, see if IBMS would be right for me and my goal for the workshop was to just learn something new. I learned SO MUCH from that one workshop, I knew I needed to choose Indie Birth Midwifery School as well.
Now attending the Indie Birth Workshop as a student midwife, I was still able to learn something new. (Which it is true- you never stop learning in midwifery)
The Indie Birth Workshop is powerful for expectant mothers and impactful for birth teams. (Spouses, mothers, sisters, doulas, whoever!)”


“One of my biggest take aways from the Indie Birth workshop is the importance of holding the sacred space of birth.”-Edie

“Another incredible, empowering experience”-Terry

“What an amazing group of powerful women who were there today! Thanks so much for hosting this fabulous event”-Faye

“The Indie Birth class was so empowering! I went in a bit unsure of what to expect and what I wanted to do with my birth. I really felt that I would need a person to help me through the process. HOWEVER, when I left the class I thought, “I could TOTALLY do this myself!” I felt empowered, enlightened and educated. Thank you for such a safe environment to learn and grow!”-Christina

“An eye opening workshop, so grateful to have attended”-Mandeep

“18 months ago, after taking a birthing course from Maryn and Margo, I had a more empowering, joyful and in tune birthing experience than I previously ever could have imagined. Yesterday I attended Indie Birth’s one day workshop and witnessed an entire room full of women having the same heart changing experience that I had had 2 years earlier. Maryn and Margo speak TRUTH about birth, both scientific and spiritual and it CHANGES those who hear it to KNOW that we as women can trust our bodies and trust birth. They speak and live in integrity, and learning from them is a gift that I wish every woman could have. If you have the opportunity to take this class DO NOT MISS IT!!”-Anna

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  1. Lori Silva says:

    Hi Maryn,
    Your mask policy is a breath of fresh air👩‍🍼👩🏾‍🍼👩🏻‍🍼
    In saying “multi media” do you mean this will also be a teleworkshop?
    Whether or I am able to participate long distance or not, thank you for this birth offering! 🙏🏾🙏🏼🙏🏿🕊🌸💕

  2. Sarah Reckards says:

    The reserve spot button isn’t working for me! Is there another way to sign up? Thanks!

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Meet the duo behind Indie Birth

We are mamas and midwives who decided to do birth differently– and bring others along with us. We are radical, fun to work with, and great at (lovingly) calling people on their bullshit to help move us all towards a new more beautiful world. With 12 children and over two decades of midwifery between us, we’ve learned a thing or two along the way, and Indie Birth is our space to share it all with you.

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