When standard care turned its back on her, Kristina found support from intuitive women who lived the example of normal, undisturbed birth. This taught her the power that surrounding yourself with a supportive community has on expanding your beliefs about what is attainable. And after four cesareans, Kristina had her first vaginal freebirth.
Jaden’s note on the episode title: Please make no mistake. The quotation marks around the word “Impossible” are done purposefully with the deep seeded intention to shatter the mythos of what is and isn’t possible in birth – especially pertaining to VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean). In doing so, I invite all of our listeners to examine their pre-conceived notions and work to dismantle their biases on medically unfounded narratives that may be holding us back – both as mothers/birthgivers and practitioners.
Birth Warrior Podcast submissions link
Sacramento Doula (Kristina’s doula services)
Kristina’s Instgram @our_half_dozen
Birth Warrior Project: 120 Day Doula Training and Transformation
Indie Birth Midwifery School
Podcast (birth-warrior-podcast): Download (Duration: 37:12 — 34.6MB)
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