There is so much wrong with the world that we could focus on; especially in birth, so many of us are well-acquainted with all the horror stories: abuse and power and control and money. I’m not asking you to turn a blind eye to these realities; but just for today, can we see the beauty in what we DO have and be grateful? Without our hearts being able to see THIS equal truth, we become hardened and pessimistic and really aren’t all that useful to this world which really does need us!
Grateful. Gratitude. Give thanks. You are here, now and your heart is beating. You got up today! There are so may gifts right in front of you; can you notice? Simply take this moment to breath and inhale what you are SO thankful for. There is so much beauty in the world that never gets seen because we choose to not see it.
We can get back to the other work tomorrow. But for today, this is all that is needed.
We are grateful for you, for living the way you do, and for being part of our Indie Birth community.
Love, Maryn
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