I Can't Afford a Homebirth and Other Money Issues


First Babies Can Fall Out But Often They Don't

Taking Back Birth

Are You a Birth Witch?


How We Named 
Our Babies



In this episode of Taking Back Birth, I talk about how to keep hospital rituals out of your homebirth. Download this podcast transcript  

A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: How to Keep Hospital Ritual Out of Your Homebirth


In this episode of Taking Back Birth, Maryn talks about how your uterus “practices” for birth! Download this podcasts PDF transcript In this podcast Maryn discusses how and when the uterus warms up for birth, the fear around these practice contractions, the variation in women’s experiences, what you can do for comfort and prevention if […]

How Your Uterus Practices For Birth


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In this episode of Taking Back Birth, I talk what’s in a midwife’s birth bag and why Download this podcasts PDF transcript

Unpacking the Midwife’s Birth Bag: Ending Women’s Dependence on Tools and Technology


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In this episode of Well, Actually… Margo interviews Jena la Flamme about instinctual eating in pregnancy, getting in tune with your “female animal” and other sexy stuff! Jena has devoted her life to showing women around the world how to be in tune with the innate wisdom of their bodies and how they too can […]

Listening to Your Female Animal in Pregnancy : An Interview with Jena la Flamme


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Fear is the most powerful torture of all. -Lisa Lister, Witch This blog post is in support and solidarity of Lisa Barrett; a mentor and friend who is being persecuted in Australia for supporting women in birth. Lisa is/was one of the most genuine, humble and brilliant women I have ever met. I want her […]

The Time Has Come For WOMEN to STAND UP and SPEAK


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In this episode of Taking Back Birth, I talk about our vision for the Indie Birth Network. Download this podcast transcript

How Indie Birth Will Support You to Create Your Own Birth Community


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In this episode of Taking Back Birth, I talk about how I’m getting to know the “new me” now at six weeks postpartum.

Getting to Know the “New You” at 6 Weeks Postpartum


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In this episode of Taking Back Birth, I offer a list of ways to prepare for your powerful birth. 10 STEPS PDF Transcription

10 Steps For a Powerful Birth


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by Author Marea Goodman To be a part of the out-of-hospital birth community in the United States means that we must constantly wrestle with complicated race dynamics in the midwifery world and in our own communities. Most of us are aware of the staggering inequities that exist in this country when it comes to maternity […]

What White Midwives Can Do To Be Better Accomplices in Birth Justice


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