Postpartum - Mama and Baby

A Card for Rumi

November 16, 2020

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We are mamas and birth workers who decided to do birth differently– and bring others along with us. We are kind, fun to work with, and great at (lovingly) calling people on their bullshit. With 12 children and 20 years of midwifery between us, we’ve learned a thing or two along the way, and Indie Birth is our space to share it all with you.


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Here I sit with a sleeping baby Rumi; just having pulled the first card from a deck I bought when pregnant with him. The deck appeared at about the same time that he told me his name, and these beautiful cards have sat unopened until now. 8 days after birth.
Wow, what a ride that was. This kid is deep with mystery and creativity and lessons and love. I knew this; but to have him here, having orchestrated such a powerful birth as such a new human, is extraordinary.
I’ve reflected on his birth for many hours of this first week; emotionally, mentally and spiritually processing the details. And the overall vibe which was: I did what I wanted, we did what we needed, we broke all the “rules” and it looked 500% different than I ever would have imagined. True beauty and grace. But humbling.
The first card I pulled (today) was in response to the question: What is the predominant lesson, for me, right now, from his birth?

At first the “Sacred Union” card seemed off (but really, they never are….ever….just dig in a but deeper I’m reminded!):
For me, now, this is not a message about physical love. The “Sacred Union” describes the divine masculine and the divine feminine coming together in perfect harmony, a perfect match and the perfect time.
In birth work, there is and has been a conscious attempt on my part to integrate the masculine and feminine. It’s been driving me since Cove’s birth, and has practically speaking resulted in new partnerships and collaborations with the “masculine”; obstetricians, doctors, and hospital admin staff. There’s been so much “progress” in this way inside of myself; no longer willing to do the “us against them” or even be in fear about communicating or using the medical system. I’ve had such an awakening in this area, and I can see how Rumi’s birth has brought my heart and mind to new understandings now about what all that can mean and what it can actually LOOK like. In my rawest vulnerable state, I was the power I needed. I was the power I needed to be for myself, for my baby and to render the system itself actually useless in the moment. (Not to say I don’t have profound gratitude for the hospital and staff that morning! I do. But the actual “system” of birth was meaningless to us during our time there.)
This IS the new paradigm; we can’t keep moving in fear as women around the system, and also as midwives, often operating in the shadows. If we aren’t confident and in our TRUTH we feel “less than”; “not good enough”; and this flavors our entire relationship with not just the medical system but the Divine Masculine.
Because they are the same. And with birthing my baby on their hospital table, I let go. And this “Sacred union”, in my own mind and soul, was realized.
“You have been working had to surrender attachment to plans and how you think things should go”.
This is and has truly been Sacred Surrender. It didn’t happen without some resistance from me, but ultimately it was written this way and I have been preparing for a while without even knowing!
“You are growing, you are evolving, you are making genuine shifts in consciousness that are allowing you to change the way you are in the world; to become freer, more loving, wilder, more Divine.”
My lessons are my own; but in sharing his story on a mass scale, it is also yours. And ours.
How can we not only “take back birth” but share the experience energetically when needed so that we realize this “Sacred union” within ourselves, our community, our world?
Thank you for being with me. These are important times and I am grateful for the holding of space that so many have done for us. Love, Maryn

From the “Rumi Oracle” Deck by Alana Fairchild

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  1. Valerie says:

    Simply Divine! Poetically spoken! I love you with all of my heart Maryn!

  2. Sasha says:

    Thank you for sharing all of this with us Maryn. So powerful! Grateful to witness your journey and to be a part of it with you, learning, growing and awakening with you.

  3. Robyn Ayers says:

    This food for my soul. On so many levels. Thank you for removing so much shame and worry from having to find a balance between medical intervention when needed and also staying true to ourselves in birth. Thank you for making it feel non-adversarial.

  4. Maryn Green says:

    Follow your truth! I always said I would never go there unless I really needed it…and I did truly think he did. No regrets!

  5. A truly remarkable experience and so happy you have selflessly shared it with us. A wonderful lesson and fabulous gift
    Much love always

  6. Christina Maria Butler says:

    Wow! I thank you, because you did indeed marry the divine feminine with the masculine for all of us. We are one. You have not only cleared a fear for me through this birth but you have gifted me with a vision of a new possibility. I spent many years repulsed by the system and you went in there like a fairy or a forgotten Goddess and gave a glimpse of yourself to the non believers and a peak of the NEW EARTH. So much gratitude I have to you and Rumi and your entourage of light.

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We are mamas and midwives who decided to do birth differently– and bring others along with us. We are radical, fun to work with, and great at (lovingly) calling people on their bullshit to help move us all towards a new more beautiful world. With 12 children and over two decades of midwifery between us, we’ve learned a thing or two along the way, and Indie Birth is our space to share it all with you.

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