
Indie Birth Private Contract Association Terms of Membership

December 27, 2016

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We are mamas and birth workers who decided to do birth differently– and bring others along with us. We are kind, fun to work with, and great at (lovingly) calling people on their bullshit. With 12 children and 20 years of midwifery between us, we’ve learned a thing or two along the way, and Indie Birth is our space to share it all with you.


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The Indie Birth Private Contract Association is an extension of the Green River Society and Private Contract Association.


The Green River Society is a private society established for the mutual benefit of its members and to pursue the stated mission of the Society to celebrate, develop and guide the expression and manifestation of the individual truth of each of its Members.

All amounts conveyed to the PCA for membership are considered private donations to become a member of this private contract association.

By submitting an application for membership, each member affirms acceptance of and alignment with the Mission Statement of the Society as well as the Articles of Association for the Private Contract Association.

This is an integral part of the principles of the Green River PCA and Society. Therefore, we request you read the following items and accept such (note that some items are not mandatory to accept).

Confirmation of having read:


The member as part of their membership in Green River Private Contract Association hereby agrees not to divulge, disclose, or communicate to any individual, person, firm or corporation, at any time, either directly or indirectly in any form or manner whatsoever, any confidential material, contacts, documents, contracts or operational information concerning the private matters subject to this agreement. This explicitly includes the understanding that any proprietary documentation, contracts or procedures are the private and proprietary property belonging to the membership and association as further understood and described in the private contract association articles of creation and membership agreement.

The member shall not convey proprietary materials (written or electronic format) to other parties not members to the association without the prior written consent of the membership body. Any materials conveyed to the member of a general educational nature within the existing public arena, available on the internet or circulating in written form, are not considered proprietary or confidential under the terms of this clause or section and can be freely shared and distributed as desired. The restrictions of non-circumvention and non-disclosure are intended to apply to the proprietary documents, contracts, procedures and similar functions held privately within and by the association. The foregoing obligation of non-disclosure shall extend and survive the expiration, termination, completion, transfer, renewal or refusal to renew membership for a period of three (3) years.

The member agrees that no attempt will be made to circumvent any and all other members or the association itself pertaining to matters discussed and revealed by and through the creating of and the facilitating any materials of the association. The foregoing obligation of non-circumvention shall extend and survive the expiration, termination, completion, transfer, renewal or refusal to renew membership for a period of three (3) years.

The clauses pertaining to confidentiality shall apply to all public agencies, officers, representatives, agents and other persons that are part of any public or corporate entity within UNITED STATES as a corporation, and all sub-divisions and corporate subsidiaries thereof. The member agrees to not disclose, reveal, share or in any way convey any material to any such agencies and will retain and protect the private nature of the association and all activities attached and engaged thereby. Member agrees to not show proprietary materials or content of the PCA to non-members without prior written consent of the association governing council or board of trustees.


The affirming and accepting member of the association hereby agrees, understands, consents and affirms that all conversations, discussions or other communications spoken, written or otherwise transferred and or received by and through membership and participation in the PCA are not legal, medical or tax advice, legal, medical or tax instruction or otherwise in any way construed to be such.

The parties agree and understand that any and all such paperwork or oral instruction given and/or received or otherwise disseminated by the association, or any members thereof, is done ONLY at the voluntary request of the member and only for the development of knowledge and understanding as to the available rights, remedies and other solutions to the member’s personal and private affairs, and that such are undertaken and conveyed solely as part of the mutual benefit principles of the Green River Private Contract Association, and to be applied by the member as per his or her own personal self-responsibility in choice and application thereof. Said communications are only for purposes or benefits of the member, herein having affirmed and accepted terms of membership, and are no more than the expressed beliefs of the association and its members, and are based on the experience, knowledge and/or understanding of the members of the PCA for private dissemination and knowledge development.

The member understands and agrees that all members of the PCA are NOT attorneys or Certified Public Accountants or licensed medical professionals, nor are undertaking to provide or give legal, medical or tax advice. The member understands and agrees that the members of the PCA do not have formal training in law, accounting, or other such trade or practice and are not in any way conveying tax or legal advice under the terms of membership.

The member understands and agrees that all activities of the PCA are private and not of a commercial nature or in the public venue. The member affirms and commits to the maintenance, honoring and protection of the Covenant of Silence of the Overseer of Green River, a corporation sole, as fully described by public notice in the Declaration and Affidavit thereof.

The member has voluntarily sought out the PCA and the members thereof for assistance because of, in, or for situations that the member has solely encountered on and by the member’s own actions. The PCA and all members thereof are not making any claims of correctness, functionality or results, either positive and/or negative; and the use of any courses, classes, materials, documents, templates, discussions or paperwork found within the PCA materials and web sites is by voluntary decision of the member him or herself. Further, it is agreed and understood that the member agrees to hold harmless and indemnify the PCA and all of its Members against any/all claims, decisions, judgments, or any other action or results of the use of any or all of the communications between the parties whether in written, electronic or spoken form.

The member understands and agrees that any and all communications as a result of this membership are merely discussions between the parties and based on personal experiences, mutual trust and in the furtherance of knowledge for personal and private benefit and use. By the acceptance and affirmation of the articles of association, these principles and other material on the Green River Private Contract Association web site the member agrees and covenants together with the association membership and all members therein that they shall pursue legal and lawful remedies to their individual and respective needs and requirements. All members of this agreement and of the PCA membership warrant, attest and affirm that they undertake any and all decisions or actions under their own self-directed choice and personal responsibility.


The following constitutes the articles of association for the Green River Private Contract Association. By entering the web site for the first time and continuing to use it thereafter, every member agrees that he or she has read the following and are in contractual agreement under these private articles.

  1. The Green River PCA is a private contract association styled as a Mutual Benefit Society and is only available for access and use to members. By agreeing to these articles one becomes a member of the PCA.
  2. The Green River PCA provides a growing range of educational and self-development resources for its members and other forms of community development; it does not provide legal or accounting advice and does not operate in commerce or the public.
  3. The Green River PCA adheres to and is in strict conformance to of principles and tenets that support the mission of Green River to celebrate, develop and guide the expression and manifestation of the individual truth of each of its Members.
  4. The use and/or application of any information and understanding gleaned from the offerings of Green River PCA is strictly under and is the self-responsibility of each member and all members agree to hold harmless and indemnify Green River PCA, its members, associates, boards of directors and other associated parties from any claim as a result from such use.
  5. As a Mutual Benefit Society the Green River PCA strictly adheres to the principle that all members are here within to assist and support each other in their pursuit of solutions in each others lives to step into life as prosperous, productive, healthy and free members of the society and the world at large. All members commit to the principle that they shall not purposefully cause harm to themselves, each other, the society or the world at large, and shall utilize the contents herein for peaceful and productive purposes to be part of building a new sustainable world that is best for all and supports all life on Planet Earth, and should harm be caused inadvertently with the applications of knowledge and awareness gained herein, shall immediately apologize for such harm to the offended party(ies) and seek to redress and correct the mistakes and results caused there from.
  6. Should any harm or issue come about between members requiring resolution, the members agree to submit such issues to a board of arbitration made up of members of the society as a jury of their peers and shall settle all such disputes or issues peaceably and take as binding the conclusions of the board that hears the matter.
  7. All standard universal principles of non-disclosure shall apply to the materials and content of the Green River PCA, and all members agree to not expose the content to non-members and shall not attempt to sell or convey such content for profit or gain.
  8. Every member of the society, by their entry into and use of the Green River PCA and its contents and materials agrees, understands, consents and affirms that all written materials, audio and visual content, conversations, discussions or other communications spoken, written or otherwise transferred and or received are not legal, medical or tax advice, legal, medical or tax instruction or otherwise in any way construed to be such. The members agree and understand that any and all such audio/video material, paper work or oral instruction given and/or received or otherwise disseminated by any member of the society is done ONLY at the voluntary participation of the members and only for the development of knowledge and understanding as to the available rights, remedies and other solutions to the members’ personal and private affairs, and that such are undertaken and conveyed solely as part of the mutual benefit principles of the Private Contract Association, and to be applied by each individual as per their own personal self-responsibility in choice and application thereof.
  9. The members understand and agree that all activities of the PCA are private and not of a commercial nature or in the public venue. The members have voluntarily sought out the Green River PCA for assistance because of, in, or for situations each member has solely encountered on and by their own actions. Every member understands that the conditions of their public, commercial, financial or other affairs are the result of their own actions and take full responsibility as such, and shall not blame or accuse any other member of responsibility for their lives or the results of any actions or situations previously undertaken. All members affirm that they undertake any and all decisions or actions as a result of the content and materials of the Green River PCA pursuant to their own self-directed choice and personal responsibility and are fully and wholly responsible for any and all results obtained thereby.

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We are mamas and midwives who decided to do birth differently– and bring others along with us. We are radical, fun to work with, and great at (lovingly) calling people on their bullshit to help move us all towards a new more beautiful world. With 12 children and over two decades of midwifery between us, we’ve learned a thing or two along the way, and Indie Birth is our space to share it all with you.

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Indie Birth Private contract association | Terms of membership

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