How to

"I would like to thank you for sending me the free guide. I really enjoyed the handbook and what you stand for. I am just starting out on my doula journey. I can’t wait to check out your podcast. Thank you for all of your wisdom." - Emily D

Become a Powerful Doula

The new way to become an exceptional doula who is ready to serve clients confidently, change people's lives, and get paid to do what you love.

Become knowledgable and confident WITHOUT attending an outdated weekend training that leaves you feeling unprepared and unsupported.

The little known mistake most doulas make when starting out (and is a super simple fix).

The Sacred Science Birth Code that will set you apart and empower you to prepare your clients for a truly undisturbed birth.

Why you need to charge what you're worth, and how to do that without fear.

Revealing what the Client Clarity Method is and how it can help you REALLY get your clients the birth they want...

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"Margi's guide was kick-ass indeed and quite literally changed how I show up on social." - Jen Olmstead

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